T8s in 3b pot
Posted by taaazz
Posted by taaazz posted in Low Stakes
T8s in 3b pot
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
SB: $49.63
BB: $28.58
UTG: $28.22
MP: $10.47
CO: $29.59
BN: $33.87 (Hero)
BB: $28.58
UTG: $28.22
MP: $10.47
CO: $29.59
BN: $33.87 (Hero)
Hero is BN with
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Again - the beginning of a session - I want to 3b a wider range (not that I wouldn't ever 3b this hand otherwise).
How about the sizing? I think that if I go smaller IP, I make him defend a wider range OOP, which is good for me.
How about the sizing? I think that if I go smaller IP, I make him defend a wider range OOP, which is good for me.
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Soooo, here's the first question - do we CB or XB?
-I haz TP,
-I expect him to peel this flop a lot given he potentially has a wider range (my sizing) and the board favors his range,
-my hand is vulnerable and I need to protect vs draws/OvC
-most of the hands that he continues with might XR this texture (he'll typically have some kind of combo draw,
-It's doubtful that he has 88- in his range that call + if so, I get only 1 street from those, so I might as well XB and stab the turn once he checks again (he might put me on AK/AQ that goes for thin value/protection cause those hands expect any pair to lead the turn and AK 4bets pre)
-I block 89s/87s, which I want him to have as many as possible
-I don't want to get blown off my equity
Sooo, now that I think about it, I think that CB was a mistake on my part.
When raised, I don't think I can fold this.
I have a flip vs {TT-99,KJs+,QJs,T9s,87s,76s,AcQc*,AcJc*} and he gives me a good price.
-I haz TP,
-I expect him to peel this flop a lot given he potentially has a wider range (my sizing) and the board favors his range,
-my hand is vulnerable and I need to protect vs draws/OvC
-most of the hands that he continues with might XR this texture (he'll typically have some kind of combo draw,
-It's doubtful that he has 88- in his range that call + if so, I get only 1 street from those, so I might as well XB and stab the turn once he checks again (he might put me on AK/AQ that goes for thin value/protection cause those hands expect any pair to lead the turn and AK 4bets pre)
-I block 89s/87s, which I want him to have as many as possible
-I don't want to get blown off my equity
Sooo, now that I think about it, I think that CB was a mistake on my part.
When raised, I don't think I can fold this.
I have a flip vs {TT-99,KJs+,QJs,T9s,87s,76s,AcQc*,AcJc*} and he gives me a good price.
This turn is so bad - KQ/KJ/QJ get there, he can still have TT/99/T9 and just shove to look drawy + I'm likely to hit that Qx, so I don't think he's bluffing here very often + I block 87s/89s which might want to bluff here + the price is not tempting as well, so I've decided to fold.
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