Surely PokerSnowie ranges can't be good
Posted by Sam Smith
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Sam Smith
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Low Stakes
Surely PokerSnowie ranges can't be good
I took a look at the snowie ranges found here:
There's no way these can be right. It seems pokersnowie plays super face up in spots. Eg. when UTG opens and we're in the small blind we only call with AQo and 77-99. This range would perform terrible across a wide range of flops. When we open UTG and get 4 bet by the BB snowie only 4 bets AA and Ax hands. This range seems way to Ax heavy. There's many more examples. I don't have PIOsolver edge but surely if you inputted pokersnowie ranges and let pio solve the rest you'd get far better ranges. Thanks for any opinion
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pretty sure in spots where there are no multiway considerations snowie and pioedge will give very similar solutions given the same assumptions
such as how to play bb v utg but i could be wrong
Yeah, snowie is bullshit.
Left pic is UTG opening range, right one is UTG vs BB 3b defending range.
It defends hands against a 3bet that are not in the opening range, seems legit.
Left pic is BB vs SB 3bb open defending range, right one is BB vs SB 4b defending range.
Again it defends hands against a 4bet that are not in the 3bet range.
It's defending range is hands that it could profitably defend against itself. So if you were to 3b A6s bb vs sb and get 4b then it's a profitable call (against snowies 3b range), even though snowie doesn't think you should be 3betting it at all, once you do you shouldn't be folding to a 4bet. Why do you think that this is a poor way to show preflop strategies?
It isn't a poor way of showing a strategy, it's not a strategy.
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