Suited connectors overrated?
Posted by Wyvern
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Low Stakes
Suited connectors overrated?
Can someone explain, why would you add suited connectors to your preflop range at all, if you start to hit flop much less, then just plain 13%, that flopzilla suggests? When you RFI with suited connectors, you're basically playing fit or fold, and you're supposed to fold much more. You would say, that suited connectors have high implied odds, but they actually don't! Everybody is insanely cautious about them and fold pretty often, so you get close to no action, if any. So, tell me, why are we supposed to play low (not broadway) suited connectors in the first place?
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Surely you hit a pair or a draw of some sort more than 13% of the time, right?
Generally speaking you can play suited connectors from later positions, but you should probably fold a hand like 54s from UTG. Folding them always in every situation seems like a pretty big mistake.
Yeah, specially because you need to fill your RFI range with enough combos to be "stealing" the blinds enough and the alternatives are just plain worse.
Besides, if you don't have suited connectors in your range people will not be "insanely cautious about them and fold pretty often" and you'll be having much weaker value and bluffing ranges in a ton of spots
SC are hands that want to favor smaller prefloppots with a range advantage. This leans to several problems.
If we add too much SCs in the range of certain positions we end up with a looser range that gets more frequently attacked by hands that dominate these hands.
We also get 3bet quite more often and so loose our range advantage and the SPR gets smaller.
Thats why im somewhat more careful these days with these 45s-89s hands.
So im opening and 3betting them on a much lower frequency and would also be carefull with playing them in 3bp oop as we are loosing then EQr also.
I open some low SC from late position and 3b some as snowie suggests.
There is a video which talks about SC and basically saying that SC has not implied odds bc you lose to better flush so you are never comfortable playing for big pot when you hit your flush. The video also saying that SC has great bluff potential bc it connects with so many ways to the flop and they should be played IP.
SC are also great for board coverage for your 3b range otherwise your range becomes too transparent and obviously you can stack big overpairs when you hit your 2 pairs or trips bc not too many players will expect you to 3b with 56 for example.
There is an argument that 45s 56s 67s are better than 78s 89s bc the latter has some riverse implied odds and it doesn't really make a big difference if you have a pair of 5 or 8 in 3b pot.
There is also an argument that SC are better 3b candidates than a hand like KQ AJ for example bc the latter can be dominated in 3b pot.
I disagree with you saying that everyone is playing around SC. You may be unlucky and don't get enough value out of them. My "small" experience in my games says the opposite.
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