Study Group (NL10-NL25)
Posted by piownu
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Low Stakes
Study Group (NL10-NL25)
We are looking for a one(or two) players to join to our study group. At now, we are on NL10(with small NL25 experience). We organize our meetings everyday. If you are interested, please leave your skype.
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Everyday? What time?
Usually, two skype sessions.
First after playing, more or less on 01:00 AM and second 01:00 PM.
I am interested in a group. I am Japanese and English is not very good, but communication with google translation is possible. I have a basic of PioSolver and I am studying about poker and I was just looking for a group. (There is no such community in Japan.) If you do not mind, please join us! skypeID live:netdmjjj
Okay, I've sent an invitation on skype.
kidstars19 on skype please add, play 10nl and 25nl on party poker. thank you
im definitely interested! skype: anteb0i
Right now im playing 10NL but i have quite some 25NL experience
Full ring or 6 max?
6 max
I play 50/100nl, im interested in a study group, even if you guys are playing MSNL
My skype is: gonza_eze95
I'm also interested skype is Playing NL16/25 right now.
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