Study group
Posted by Bart47
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Low Stakes
Study group
Hello. I would really like to find a group or person to start studying with on a regular basis. I'm on the west coast of Canada. I currently mainly play nl5 and nl10 zoom and pretty well a breakeven player ATM. I'm very passionate about poker and am loving studying and trying to get better. Would be great to have a group to help with study ideas and bounce ideas off of. Hope to hear back from you. Cheers
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I'm interested. I use to play a ton at 100NL took a 3 year break when I started working and last 2 years been on and off rebuilding my br at 5NL 10NL zoom. I'm on the east side of Canada and with this lockdown, looking to get back to my old stakes.
Im interested in a study group aswell for cash maybe a discord group
Id be interested as well. Played 50nl around black friday, but havent played for about 6-7 years and recently restarted at 2nl.
I would love to participate.
I currently play zNL10/NL5 and strugglung.
I am also passionate about poker I read everything I can ( even books being outdated, I love reding them). I am in Brazil ( GMT-3).
Im in please tell when and where
I’d be interested
Allright looks like we got a decent crowd here, I somehow didn't see all these notifications until today. Maybe start with a discord and go from there?
I would love to join the group, i play zone 5NL and 25NL on ignition and have been looking for a study group.
I also joined the group.Lets hope to make a good community
Sorry didn't see this until today. It says your discord invite is invalid. Mind posting another one.
Interested as well
invite invalid , is the group active, would like to join ?
I wouldn't mind checking it out either. :)
Would be down as well
I'm interested if this is still open.
By the number of people interested this could possibly originate two study groups.
Took the liberty to create another discord server, feel free to join:
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