strong enough to 3st 2p?
Posted by zerocool
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Low Stakes
strong enough to 3st 2p?
my hand still strong enough to make a big bet OTR?
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Not quite sure why hero pots the flop. Dont we be rangebetting this board?
But if we take a check or bet polar approach ott/otr the rest looks good.
What are we really afraid of? KJhh/AQ are mostly 3bets pre, so AT and slowplayed 55/66..,not too many combos i guess. And he can still herocall a bunch of AX/TX or weaker 2p
Its a SB call, right? Might want to go bigger with 2p against a probably weaker player that calls sb.
In theory not sure, sb callers are allways volatile and I believe AQs is 3bet almost ever and KJ folded on the turn so should be good enough for river bet.
(Btw raoul finally got the pc, should be all set up by next week but no skype on tablet :D )
Even against big blind potting the flop here has a lot of merit, personally I play a mix of 25%/100%/x but just playing 100% or x is also fine, you can range bet but there's a lot of arguments for different strategies on this board.
Against the small blind we should be playing a polar strategy but for a smaller sizing, somewhere around half pot is fine, when you go too big it doesn't really accomplish much and theoretically you have to x back a lot
Yes strong enough, AK can be betting as well, but AJ isn't considering your flop size.
These spots will define your WR, if you don't valubet thin enough you will lose some amount of 0.X/100 bb/100
So Villian is 50/0 over how many hands? What is your best estimate of this players pre flop calling range?
This is that range AA-22,AKs-A2s,KQs-K2s,QJs-Q2s,JTs-J4s,T9s-T6s,98s-95s,87s-85s,76s-75s,65s-64s,54s,AKo-A2o,KQo-K6o,QJo-Q8o,JTo-J8o,T9o-T8o,98o,87o.
What hands from that range based on info you have on villain continue on the turn?
What hands from that turn range are still in his range on the river?
What hands are in your range on the turn and river as played?
What hands in your range are value bets?
Which ones are bluffs based on size you are choosing to bet on the river?
Is A6 in the in the combinations of value you hands you determine based on this analysis you should bet?
Vs, a true 50/0 type player without doing the work this is a clear value bet.
In these spots vs fun players just pick the biggest size that you think they always call an ace to, with that in mind I like your river sizing, maybe a touch smaller if they're not a complete station but this seems totally fine.
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