Strange situation- JJ top set- river cbet too thin?
Posted by jaypatel33
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Low Stakes
Strange situation- JJ top set- river cbet too thin?
sorry about the HH, river is a K.
Villain is 21/14 afterk 1k hands, note: he coldcalled my 3bet OTB with 66 and played it passively postflop.
So not sure what his preflop calling range is, but I would guess, mainly low PP, and maybe he has some low SC's or some Axs, Kxs hands.
OTF, I thought about a ch/r, and I think that prolly is better, but whatever.
By the river, I was wondering what is this guy calling with? 1 combo of J9? Maybe a scared 33 or 44, but I think they raise at some point, so I dont see much, but I thought, just bet anyways, as there arent that many busted draws apart from T8s he can bluff and also, he prolly wont bluff them.
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I would bet bigger on flop & turn and jam river.
What are we getting called by OTR?
I went for smaller bets sizes on flop and turn, as I suspect he has PP mainly, so unlikey to get outdrawn, but also we are unlikely to get much value. Like if he has a set himself, it doesnt matter if we bet small as the money is all going in anyways.
K9,J9,KJ,34, all sets, and it might be even worse because he's a fish and he's probably inelastic to betsizes on flop & turn.
You also have to protect your hand a bit. There are some SDs, there is a FD on the turn.
Also, there's more than one combo of J9.
That HH confused the fuck out of me. Didn't understand how there was an issue considering we got all-in with top set on the Turn...
Yea I suppose, I didnt even think to put 34, K9 in his range, but I agree he prolly has them. Although I would think KJ would raise pre.
@ filthynines, yea there are more J9 combos, but I dont think he is calling wiht offsuit ones, so just gave him the one suited combo.
Yea, nut sure why all my HH keep doing this?? So what happened was I cbet the turn, villain call, I cbet the river and villain jams.
Gotcha - good point.
I don't think I can add much to knoxox's post.
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