Stats Check Up - Please
Posted by SuckMyTilt
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Low Stakes
Stats Check Up - Please
Could I please trouble people into taking a look at my stats and help me find any leaks (i will assume i have some as im pretty sure I have a few) I could really benefit finding some that I could work on that will help me play better and then I will actually be able to improve and carry on building from that there on. If I have missed off any stats or you want to know any please let me know. Thanks :)
These stats are 88,500 hands which are mixed from 6mx tables of:
9.5k - 5NL regular
20k - 5NLz
13.5k - 2NL regular
45.5k - 2NLz
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BB vs SB raise can defend a bit more, make sure you defend wider vs 2.5x opens at least.
BTN strat need a rework, abnormally low winrate and too wide of a coldcall pre.
That's just all I can see from these stats
So BU strat could be to 4B more than cold calling w/ hands like AQ /JTs/98s/KQs etc? What do you think could cause the low winrate and what would be a decent winrate from BU? Do the rest of my stats look ok?
No mate I'm talking about your CC 2bet PF on BTN is 12% while you also 3bet ~10% , too high of a vpip imo. Sauce might disagree on this, but its quite pushing it really on these stakes. I think this is where you biggest drop in BTN winrate could come from. But you can find out with filters yourself. Sollid winrate should be 20-40bb/100
Ahh so I'm actually just calling more with speculative hands where I could raise more or have I got it wrong? What numbers should these be then?
Very strange. Your redline is super high while your WWSF is pretty low. Seems like you must be giving up on small pots a lot while spewing off in the large pots.
On second look your folding 54% to c-bet and 30% to turn and river c-bet. That's a massive leak
What is the massive leak that I am not folding enough on the turn and river? What sort of numbers should these be at? I've thought for awhile my redline being so high and such a low blue line could be an issue.. just wasn't ever sure how I can remedy it?
Too value heavy x/r range, overfolding flop, overcalling turn and river. How u construct ur x/r range on turn? Seems like you never or very rarely x/r draws on flop and then raising them on turn alot? If yes, thats bad
Btn winrate very low for some reason, I would suggest to focus ur study on playing the button, and just watch alot of liveplay vids to get an idea of solid overal play, because there are many deviations from optimal in your strategy
So I'm not x/r enough bluffs? Over folding flop, is fold FCB of 54 not already a little low? Ah yes my turn and river fold CB is like 30 so is this me calling down to many TP hands and combo draws or just naked draws? Yeah I'm struggling to think how often I x/r draws on flop, I know I had a spell long ago and kept getting called down and bricking so many draws I just sort of figured I was x/r flops wrong or that it was a leak so stopped. I x/r sets on the turn and some decent combo draws or draws when I think I'm behind but not to a TP hand... Need to see or try and find some vids here on that can help with this too.
When you say I have many deviations from optimal play are we talking just from the BU or in other spots too?
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