Stat Ranges

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Stat Ranges

Hello all.

I am new to RIO in the last week or 10 days but already learning a lot from the videos. Anyone who doesn't subscribe and get the videos (Essential or Elite depending perhaps on the stakes you play), I highly recommend subscribing.

In watching some of the videos I start to feel a little self conscious about my stats. I play low stakes (NL 10/25 and 25/50) at Bovada so all I have are Holdem Indicator stats. I realize that giving feedback based only on stats is a bit thin, but am interested nonetheless in what these stats might say to opposing players.

Below are my Holdem Indicator stats, across a relatively small sample as I only recently switched to 6-max tables from 9 handed. I think these are pretty indicative of a typical session for me, obviously with some variance based on cards and opponents but reasonably close session to session. (Sessions being paramount at Bovada as that's all you can get on players due to the anonymity).

VP 31
PFR 17
AF 2.6
W 22 | 46
STL 41 | 69
3B 3 | 68
CB 59 | 41

From the videos I've seen the pros would, I think, suggest that certain stats are out of kilter (and I could perhaps even say which ones and why but then there's no point to this thread).

Thanks in advance for any feedback.


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Limp Limpson 9 years, 8 months ago

Stop calling preflop so much. Its better to start off tight, till you improve, so keep PFR where it is/you can decrease it slightly and bring VPIP down to ~20. Obv a lot of regs play 25/20, 28/24 or smth and it can be done, but significant postflop skill is needed if you want to play vpip>25.
Start 3betting a bit more, esp in position. I also suggest bringing cbet down to ~50, but a lot of people would argue that 59% is fine+vpip is a lot more important and it can be really hard to change too much about your game at once, so focus on cbet stats later on.

Some people will say that fold to 3b at 68% is high, which is technically true, but I wouldnt worry on anonymous bovada tables. So I'd focus on that once you fix bigger leaks.

Oh and finally, stats are irrelevant. Just focus on making correct decisions for the right reasons. A lot of winning players have vastly different stats.

pkrbruha1 9 years, 8 months ago

Is there a good HM/PT leaks video(s) on RIO Essential? I saw one quick one but it seems that there would be more stats leak finder videos to go with the hand history reviews.

ParkaP 9 years, 8 months ago

I agree with your video idea pkr.

Thank you for the specific points you make, Limp Limpson.

I should have pointed out that while new to RIO and to playing 6-max tables I am not entirely new to NLHE. My VPIP across >138K hands (99.9% on 9 handed cash ring tables) is 21. I would consider that play to have been quite TAG. Not nitty nit TAG, but pretty darn tight.

And I didn't get a HUD right away at Bovada, so I have probably another 100K hands there, and I used to play micro stakes at Pokerstars when US players could play. So all in all I've played ~400K hands online. But I've never studied the game. I just sort of played by logic and experience having read some basic information like what's at Zen Poker (or some such) and similar basic sites.

Then I hit a downturn that really made me want to look closer at strategies and do a much better job of reading ranges, players, and hands. And in a year or two I can perhaps retire (relatively young) from work, at which point I might take a stab at higher stakes. Long story short, I am working more on my game to get beyond just hobby play.

(I am profitable but nothing to write home about. Technically though I play 100% for free since initial $3.50 at Pokerstars was from a massive freeroll MTT with 10K players, turned that to $163, withdrew it later when US play shut down, and deposited just $100 at Bovada a couple years ago).

So back to stats. Wouldn't it necessarily make sense that VPIP would be higher on 6-max since are in position much more frequently?

Incidentally, the sample I posted last night was just 822 hands. Now at 1241 hands (still small) the stats are trending I think in ways you suggest:

VP 28
PFR 15
AF 2.4
W 24 | 50
STL 39 | 74
3B 3 | 64
CB 55 | 47

So VP heading towards 20'ish perhaps. PFR down a smidge. And CB trending down towards 50 also. All things you mentioned. 3-bet fold down a few points but that sample size with only 1241 hands total is surely so small as to be not very meaningful yet.

The thing that stand out to me from what I seem to see in videos is that my 3-bet is low (which you point out) and the pros seem to have VP and PFR much closer to one another.

I certainly agree that stats aren't the main thing. So I don't, for example, try to get my PFR up because I see a pro with it much closer to VPIP. And I don't try intentionally to get my VPIP down either. But some of the stats can be quite useful for finding leaks. For example, CB too high is a sure sign that something needs a look.

Thanks again for the input.

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