Starting Hands - Preflop
Posted by bcnorwegian
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Low Stakes
Starting Hands - Preflop
I'm a complete beginner. And want a picture of preflop hands to play. Whoever can give me a preflop starting hand image that i can use, is AMAZING. Thanks!
Btw I play on Ignition. Any additional preflop starting hand suggestions is greatly appreciated.
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There's free ones on upswing poker and they are OK.
assuming u play 6max,
UTG: AJo+,55+, ATs+ T9s+ KQo , KJs+
MP: ATo+, 44+, ATs+, 98s+, kjo+, KTs+
CO: A8+, 22+, A2s+, 54s+ KTo+, K7s+, Q9s+,Qto+, J8s+, J9o+, T9o
BTN: A5o+, 22+, A2s+, 54s+, K8o+, Q7o+, J8o+, T8o+, 67o+, and all kind of suited trashy combo like j5s
SB: same as btn
3b: some sort of polarized range IP, linear OOP. dont cold call trash hands OOP (pocket pairs / suited connectors, ato, etc).
as for calling 3bets, fold a lot OOP, and call more IP with hands that arent dominated by a high chance. thats it buddy
Is still a good advice suggesting him a polarized 3bet range IP?
Yes, I think it works well at 25NL and lower vs regs. But you should ideally include some of the hands in between as well. Against recs that don't fold to a 3bet you should increase 3bet size and 3bet linear.
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