Stars NL50 AQo 4bet pot
Posted by NOone
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Stars NL50 AQo 4bet pot
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players)
UTG: $52.69 (Hero)
CO: $65.69
BN: $78.96
SB: $52.50
BB: $50.06
CO: $65.69
BN: $78.96
SB: $52.50
BB: $50.06
Hero is UTG with
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Solid regular, not much hands. Flatting preflop fine I quess. I don't know how I should play vs range that is very strong I believe. And even on river not great spot but I bet so small OTF that villain could have KQs example. Thoughts?
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preflop you can go either way. what I try to implement right now is to use AQo as a 4b bluff OOP do deny equity against bluff 3bets and take down the pot preflop, EP vs CO f.e. IP i favour flatting the 3bet more, but I might be wrong.
postflop completely fine imo, though I would size up flop a little bit, maybe like 8$
not sure about the 4bet preflop. you open from UTG so your range is perceived strong. from SB pov. Therefore SB 3 bet is perceived as very strong too. you kinda isolate yourself vs the top of his range
Yeah....I agree. That's exactly what I was thinking too.
I dont mind the 4bet with the blockers and would prefer to 4bet rather than call here as you are crushed by his value and doing OK vs his "bluff" portion of his range. I think he'd call the 4bet with AA, AK, AJs maybe KQ and then some suited connectors and low suited Aces. I like the flop bet but would agree with blaschenfier that could make it a bit bigger. Turn x back is fine to induce/pot control and river has to be a call, the only better hand you get here with is AA and perhaps AK if you decide to 4bet it in these positions.
I think that I'd mostly be calling preflop, being in position like this I'm not sure that you need to be doing a ton of 4 bet bluffing. Hands like QQ and AK probably want to be mostly calling here too so you really don't need to find that many bluffs in order to balance your AA/KK combos.
Postflop looks fine except that I would probably size up the flop bet a smidge.
I don't mind folding preflop either. AQo happens to be a pretty poor hand againts tight ranges.
Pres fine for me, too weak to flat at 50NL imo and works nice as 4B w blockers and good eq vs JJ etc.
OTF, I'm interested in why everyone thinks the flop cbet is fine. Our range is AA/KK (possibly AKs) and SBs range has AK/AQs etc so to me it seems we want to be checking a lot here, as betting doesn't seem to benefit our range too much. AA will rarely get called over 2 streets due to blockers and betting w KK increases the proportion of AX in their range, and seems v thin bet anyways. I might be missing something, but what I've said seems logical to me.
don't want too many discussions at once, but now i am confused why some people consider not defending the 3bet (whether by call or 4bet). when we or something like 15%, aren't we folding way too much if we fold AQo?
This is what snowie does (I'm not saying that this range is 100% correct). Snowie prefers 53s over AQo which seems quite crazy and it seems wrong, although what do I know, but the point being that AQo is not all that awesome againts tight ranges. I think a lot of people overplay it in these types of situations.
this is quite eye-opening, thanks a ton!
but snowie doesn't give you the 3bet range, which this is based on, right?
This is the MP vs. SB 3betting range
At eqm I'd imagine that turn is almost always a bet. If you think your opponent is gonna play flop too passively (ie slowplay AK+), then your line seems pretty good. PIO probably bets small otf/ott and jams river.
that is snowie Range with a pot size 4bet.
different construction when we size smaller
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