Posted by masamasa
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Low Stakes
Hellou, I have plenty of questions about squeez play? I feel like im doin it wrong and out playing myself with decent hands when i decide to squeeze. I also feel like im getting in to extremly difficult sopts after ive squeezed. I would be very happy to see more videos about squeezing and playing against squeeze. Becouse i feel like my biggest leaks come up in these pots. I dont even know what should i ask first snice there is so many things what i would like to know. But have to start with something. Lets say there is loose HJ openraises 3x with 100bb stack (~25%range) and (44/25/14) calls from CO with 65bb stack. What would you squeeze from button in this spot if you expect openraiser to fold a lot and give you credit... You also know that CO would 3bet all premium hands. and right now he is holding a shit witch he is goin to call again.
I squeezed this spot 2 hours ago to 12bb with AJo and everything did go as i expected. Openraiser folded CO called and flop did come 7d7s4d witch he checked to me. on flop we have SPR ~2 and i feel like i have to CB this for protection. at the same time i feel like my opponent is goin to check-shove this flop alot with anypair anydraw and some air aswell and he will be hoping that i have AK AQ... So made my cb 12bb CB and he shoves i fold and he shows me K4s. Did i make mistake when i Squeezed AJo and expected well this preflop action. I feel like its extremly hard to play this hand with these stacksizes. Would it be better to just call this AJo and let everybody else as well come to see a flop when im pretty sure i could get this pot in to heads up with CO? One option would be check back flop but it doesnt change much if turn is blank and he leads 1/2pot. I think i would be ahead most of the time but call doesnt sound good when he can shove river with anything. Again i feel like i should fold or flat this AJo even if know i would get this pot in to heads up with CO. if i shouldnt squeeze here with AJo then what should i squeeze here with? and what if i would be on blinds with this same spot?
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1)preflop squeezing part 1 part2 videos by ishter.
2)Ryan fee's free ebook ( yeah it's old i know) but check 15-16-17 page. ;)
Sorry but I can't read that.
Too compact
thx kafrinius
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