Squeezing ranges

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Squeezing ranges


I'm a bit confused about squeezing ranges and I'm not sure what hands I should be using as a default to bluff.

Three scenarios:

1) UTG opens, MP calls and we're on the BTN.

2) MP opens, BTN calls and we're on the SB.

3) MP opens, CO calls and we're on the BB.

What your squeezing range would look like in these scenarios as a default?

I'm not sure what hands I should be using as a squeeze. For example on BB, we're getting such a good prize to call and we want to call a lot of hands here. This means that our potential squeezing hands are left being very weak. If we want to have suited hands in our squeezing range, those should be hands like 43s or so. Is this ok, or would you just take hands from your calling range and turn those into squeezes? Or do we want to squeeze mainly broadway offsuit hands and have kind of depolarized squeezing range in a sense? (KQo/KJo/AJo type of stuff) Squeezing these offsuit hands OOP doesn't feel super good to me because we're OOP and if we get called we're gonna have a hard time to play our hands correctly.

I've always kind of had the approach that if I can call hand preflop profitably, I will do so and pick the best hands that I can't call and turn those into bluffs. I feel like this doesn't work very well when squeezing and we should probably have somewhat depolarized ranges.


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Samu Patronen 10 years ago

Btw, my overall squeeze % is 5,5%, 3bet almost 8%. This seems to be a leak. Squeeze should be close to 8% aswell I assume?

I made ranges for 3 scenarios above, using 50/50 value/bluff ratio:

1) UTG opens, MP calls and we're on the BTN.

Squeezing mostly offsuit hands because suited hands tend to be good as a call.

2) MP opens, BTN calls and we're on the SB.

Added A2s-A5s because I feel like these are pretty good hands to squeeze and calling with them is not that appealing OOP.

3) MP opens, CO calls and we're on the BB.

From BB we want to call pretty much all playable suited hands, so that leaves us with these offsuit combinations.

Are these ranges reasonable or is there something I did not take into consideration?


sauloCosta10 10 years ago

Your ranges should vary depending on the villans (styles and tendencies). When you 3b or squeeze as a bluff is always nice to have blockers to strong hands, and that seems to be what you thought about when designing the ranges above. But good blocking hands, such as ATo, will be terrible hands to squeeze if you know your opponent will almost never 4b and is likely going to flat in position with a good portion of his range. Against this type of player (if you ever decide to squeeze against them, because I think you should always aim tighter players instead - but I know that you can't avoid this always) you should be looking to use hands that flop well and that you can continue barreling with equity in a good amount of boards. This can be accomplished with suited connected hands, such as T9s, JTs, etc. The main point about deciding wether to squeeze x cold call with certain holdings relies on your EV with each play. If you think you can make more money by calling, then you should call. The problem is that you are going to play a multi way pot and most of the time OOP, which is not the usual scenario from which money goes into your pockets. By squeezing you apply fold equity immediatly and you can bluff more often on certain boards because you will proably hit the flop HU instead of 3-way, which encourages you more to continue the aggression post-flop. Overall I think that on the first scenario you pointed, blockers are more important than anything...also you should have a read on UTG's range, because you don't want to isolate yourself against a very strong range. Be sure that he can be wide enough from that position so you can profitably squeeze there. Against a MP open and a late position flat, I think that the blockers lose some of their value, because those LP ranges will be wide and they are more likely to flat your squeeze. They are still important, but since the likelihood of you getting called is higher, you should add some hands that can flop more equity than ATo...suited (and off suit too) broadway/connected hands are good candidates, since some of them have blockers AND they flop very good equity.

sauloCosta10 10 years ago

I don't think we should be ALWAYS flatting suited hands like you may think...we should for sure do it some % of the time, but since we only flop a flush draw 10% of the time, we should definitely add some combos to our 3b and squeeze ranges

maxpower 10 years ago

this is what snowie recomends and what i use for bb after a mp open and co flat

Samu Patronen 10 years ago

These ranges seem to be pretty advanced and probably good vs. very tough opponents since we have to worry about board coverage etc. Not sure if squeezing a hand like QJs make sense when playing smaller stakes(?)

I'm not very familiar with pokersnowie, how does the program come up with these ranges?

Jiibi 10 years ago

Do you know if snowie is squeezing/call4b with hands like KQs or 99 ? Or just shoving 99+ AK and folding the rest

maxpower 10 years ago

just checked my results for if i flat these hands in the sb or bb after a raise and caller. looks like im doing lot worse. most of these will be from the bb and i tend not to flat in sb much

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