Spewy 3 Barrel 200z

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Spewy 3 Barrel 200z

Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players) BN: $242.56 (Hero)
SB: $223.57
BB: $283.56
UTG: $230.93
MP: $384.48
CO: $420.58
Preflop ($3.00) Hero is BN with A K
UTG raises to $4.80, 2 folds, Hero raises to $16.00, 2 folds, UTG calls $11.20
Flop ($35.00) 7 3 J
UTG checks, Hero bets $9.31, UTG calls $9.31
Turn ($53.62) 7 3 J 3
UTG checks, Hero bets $38.00, UTG calls $38.00
River ($129.62) 7 3 J 3 9
UTG checks, Hero bets $179.25 and is all in, UTG calls $167.62 and is all in
Final Pot BN lost and shows a pair of Threes.
UTG wins and shows a full house, Jacks full of Threes.
UTG wins $462.11
Rake is $2.75

No specific reads on villian, seems like a reg- so no reason to be fancy here.
Thougt having hearts was kind of a good reason to bet because we unblock call->folds talking about his floats (backdoor fds QK; AQ, AK type hands)
However it seems like we are supposed to do VERY little bluffing with the AK combos, in this and similar spots. I had a look in pio, and its low cbet, very low frequency turn bet, and giveup river mostly.
AQ was doing abit of turnbetting, guess it has do to with that we are folding out Early pos, AK combos. Apart from that, mainly barreling draws and value. And a few very random bluffs, A2-A5s goes for it way more often that AQ- , any explanations to that??

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