sorry for posting but..

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sorry for posting but..

Thrilled with how this hand played out!!!
[b]Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players[/b]
[i][url=]Hand converted by PokerTracker 4[/url][/i]

UTG: 94.5 BB
CO: 50 BB
[b]Hero (BTN): 105 BB[/b]
SB: 139.5 BB
[b]BB: 188 BB[/b]

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, [b]BB[/b] posts BB 1 BB

[b]Pre Flop:[/b] i[/i] [b]Hero[/b] has K:diamond: A:club:

[color=red]UTG raises to 3 BB[/color], [i]fold[/i], [b]Hero[/b] calls 3 BB, [i]fold[/i], [b]BB[/b] calls 2 BB

[b]Flop:[/b] i[/i] 8:spade: 2:spade: A:diamond:
[b]BB[/b] checks, UTG checks, [color=red][b]Hero[/b] bets 5.5 BB[/color], [b]BB[/b] calls 5.5 BB, [i]fold[/i]

[b]Turn:[/b] i[/i] 3:diamond:
[color=red][b]BB[/b] bets 10 BB[/color], [color=red][b]Hero[/b] raises to 29 BB[/color], [b]BB[/b] calls 19 BB

[b]River:[/b] i[/i] 7:spade:
[color=red][b]BB[/b] bets 39 BB[/color], [b]Hero[/b] calls 39 BB

[spoil][b]Hero[/b] shows K:diamond: A:club: (One Pair, Aces)
(Pre 60%, Flop 82%, Turn 89%)
[b]BB[/b] shows 8:heart: 9:heart: (One Pair, Eights)
(Pre 40%, Flop 18%, Turn 11%)
[b]Hero[/b] wins 149 BB


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phrikshin 2 years, 2 months ago

I wouldn't be calling 3BB opens with AKo on the button. Especially not at 2NL rake.. Postflop is well played

HawksWin 2 years, 2 months ago

Agree with above.

billylean 3b AK 100% of the time, no matter what the circumstances. I am 99.9% confident that you will make substantially more $$$$$$$ in microstakes/high rake environments. That is not to say that you won't make $$$$ calling it, it is to say that you will make more money 3 betting it.

Look at what happened in this hand. 3x 3b...BB gets a great price. He gets to call 2bb in a 7.5bb pot. That is 2/9.5 (3.75:1 odds or just over 20% equity needed). We want to deny this equity. 3 betting accomplishes this. Often, you will win the pot uncontested preflop (which is a superb result).

Your stake is likely 10bb/100 hands in rake. Just to put that in perspective, every time you play a 200bb pot (you and one other player are all in), ACR (Yatahay) is raking 10bb from the pot and if you win the hand, the pot you scoop will be 190bb. That is a very healthy tax to pay. The good thing is, you don't have to pay rake if the hand is won preflop. There is extra incentive to play well at the start of the hand (preflop).

To help you visualize it:

A Crushing Player (10bb/100 winner) wins 10% of a bb per hand or .1/hand. 1/10th of a blind per hand.

That crushing player is taxed 1.5bb per round at the table (blinds). If you always fold your blinds, you would lose -150bb/100. Every 100 hands, you would lose 1.5 buy ins.

If you notice, I haven't even mentioned the impact of rake. Think about what an uphill battle it is to combat the rake (10bb/100 in rake) coupled with the bets you are forced to put in with the blinds.

As you can see, we are starting at a major deficit. To counter this fact, we have to fight for the blinds and other monies put into the pot preflop. The best way to accomplish this is to start to develop a strong 3b game complimented by a solid raise first in game. These two areas have to be corrected in your game immediately. I don't mean to sound harsh or mean. There are plenty of very good players in here that will help you with any question you have.

Take the hand that you just posted, this AK played as a call IP. Your 1st decision point in this hand is preflop. A better question for this hand would be something like: UTG is an unknown and he raised 1st in.......the blinds are unknown too............what is the optimal play with AKo in this spot? I am confident that non-trolls are going to say 3b 100% of the time.

billylean 2 years, 2 months ago

i believe it..thank you i will start 3betting more. i usually do with premium hands but I think i was afraid of getting 4 bet by someone yet to act...

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