Some doubts HU <---
Posted by Rubbing1189
Posted by Rubbing1189 posted in Mid Stakes
Some doubts HU <---
Hi all. I posted at high stakes but no reply :(
I have some doubt @ HU:
Vs player who folds a lot at delayed, with low missed and low raise at flop. How we structured the cbet at flop?
I think garbage to delayed and valuff all (bottom pair, middle pair).
vs recreational with OR70+ low 4b & low fold3bet. Calling postflop, Foldcb flop <38. He has high cb flop at single raised pot.
How we structured our range? How would be our 3bet?
I like 3b 1/3 of his range, 30% approx. for value.
Green = Call
Rest = 3bet
Vs OR30-40 I think we can defend a range lightly superior than the OR. But versus player who barrels a lot, we should low this defense range?
Vs recreational maniac, too much barrels, high 4b, high OR, high delayed, low folds…
I think we have to close range and play only value.
How we structure the range of 3bet and call preflop?
Blue = 3b/push (value)
Green = 3b/push (bluff)
Rest = 3b/call
Thx a lot!!!
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