some basic theory quetions.

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some basic theory quetions.

have some serious conflicts in my thoughts, so my question probly wont be that clear, but pls help me out here,.

  1. OTR, we want to have a perfect betting range and frequency to make our opponent indifferent from calling or folding with his bluff catchers.

  2. will we @NE when we have a perfect polorized range OTR, since our opponent is indifferent with all his bluff catchers, so the EV both calling and folding on his end is zero. therefor, his EV is always zero no matter what he does, if the statement above is true, can i say " once we have a perfect polarized range otr, our opponet can call with all his bluff catchers or fold all of them. if this statement is true, whats the pros of our perfect river betting strategy. is it only to make us not being exploited?

  3. can i assume , once we have a perfect polorized range otr to make our opponet indifferent, we will reach a NE, since neither player can unilaterally increase their EV by changing their strategies.


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LuckyMer 9 years, 8 months ago
  1. If we want to be unexploitable, than yes. If we want to win max amount, than need to play exploitably I believe.

  2. When we are balanced OTR, if our opp makes step back in any direction from NE, he loses money, we win money. The more deviation he does, the more we win.

  3. idk

fluxrazza 9 years, 7 months ago

'indifferent' = there exists some equilibrium frequency at which a given bluff catcher should call such that the expected value of the hand is 0

sweet16 9 years, 7 months ago

In the third question it's really unclear what your opponent is doing. But if he's calling the right frequency, yes you reached NE.

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