Soft High stakes China mobile app games??
Posted by ouch787
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High Stakes
Soft High stakes China mobile app games??
I have been hearing mixed reviews on these China mobile app games. Pokermaster, Pokerlord and several others have built a reputation for having very soft high stakes games with mostly Chinese business men. However, i heard stories about bad agents who don't pay people out and some games have collusion or soft play. If I were to play I would likely play HU as i can be sure there is no collusion. I know one of the apps is PT4 compatible. Does anyone have any experience with these games. I don't speak or read Chinese which I heard might be a problem. I play mid stakes no higher than 1k so playing 2k nl would be a shot for me but worth it if game is soft. Any experiences??
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The game is really good. But the variance is outside of the game itself. hope you know what I mean.
The games look good, but it's mostly fake action. People sharing accounts and it seems like even group admins are 'working' for specific players.
Trouble is variance in poker is big enough that, you can run good for 20k hands and think the game is legit.. for some people that might be 3 months of poker which seems like a good sample.
The obvious question to ask is always "Why am I being invited to this game?".
everyone posts bad things because they never want their action to be killed, get the fuck out lol
saying good things isn't decent too. If games are so good, why you want other regs to come and even mention those sites(app)?
I have been playing these games for the past few months I started w hu and now playing ring games. It all boils down to what club you are in. The hu action is very juicy but the ring games are club dependent.
The games I have experienced firsthand. Yes, lots of collusions. Agents want to make a bit of rake off you of course.
There are good "private" games though. The ones that are not open to the public and mostly people who know each other. In these games there will be less collusion and the games are soft.
I tried playing them, but I gave up after figuring out that there won't be a "ladder" to climb in terms of stakes. (I've played from 1/2 - 500/1000 on these sites, but high stakes not so long term. Most volume played on 25/50 for a few months)
The highest I recommend playing if you decide to play is 25/50 chinese yuan level, anything above 50/100 is filled with colluders/ team of people on the same table with swapped action.
Actually u r mistaken most of the collusion is at 2/4 to 20/40/80 because most games higher players recognize collusion much faster.
For me playing 2/4 and 5/10, 8max on a chinese site.
What are signs of collusion to be aware of?
(I hear that the game is action rigged, but on both parts - so in that since fair)
I CANNOT confirm the good experience.
It is full of cheaters and colluders across the board.
On top of that I got scammed by an agent.
cannot recommend it as guys said.. a lot of troubles with agents, very long cashout period, bigger rake than announced, sometimes possible to pay out with crypto with shitty convert rate only
I agree with the point of view that it depends on the clubs. I am playing there in some private games and normal Fullring games. The clubs I have now are without colluders or bots (they exist too on the site). Was lucky meeting a Macao Highroller in Singapore who is an important agent for PokerMaster. No problems so far, apart with the sinking Bitcoin since I get paid with that :)
one thing is :you will get higher hourly once the volume is enough and your skill is over the line,gl
Whats a legit club to join?
Bad experiences here. 1) lots of collusion on the ring table. You could try HU, but make sure you're not playing a bot (pay attention to how long they are taking decisions). 2) Extra fee's everywhere and agents not reachable. 3) Overall games not that good if you take a closer look
I have been playing on pppoker for several months, the club i play in is soft. Players are from Asia but not only China. Games ranging from 0.25/0.5usd to 6/12usd,. nlh, plo,ofc. To prevent collusion, there is GPS limitation. the 50nl game is very tight and weak, 150nl game is soft and many actions, people playing 1200nl are very agg, 500bb buyin is very common. I have only played NLH. PLO has higher blind but I have never tried since I am newbie to PLO and OFC also.
Feel free to whatsapp me to exchange info about poker app or hand review. planning to start a whatsapp group. +852 97642371
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