SnowieApp or LeakBuster for HM2?

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SnowieApp or LeakBuster for HM2?

Dear Forum,

I need a little bit of help in Decisionmaking.
I wanted to Buy LeakBuster for HM2, but now there is also this SnowieApp available.

Now I'm a little bit confused what is better for me. I want to study more on my play, and dismiss leaks.
For this I found LeakBuster is just great, but you need a lot of hands for that.

The SnowieApp is pretty much straight forward showing +/- EV on decisions, but always only goes the way of max EV without taking into account other considerations so I don't really know if that is what I need for the moment.

To improve the game, probably to start with LeakBuster will be better, and than becoming a more better player looking for Max EV later on.

Do you agree with that or what more considerations are there? I don't want to buy too much at the same time and than becoming to much information at once.

By now HM2 has only around 100.000 hands.

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