Sniffing out the bluff? Can I go for a nonstandard line here? NL25
Posted by Pokerlogical
Posted by Pokerlogical posted in Low Stakes
Sniffing out the bluff? Can I go for a nonstandard line here? NL25
SB: $36.71
BB: $25.00
UTG: $25.00 (Hero)
UTG+1: $49.67
MP: $25.00
MP+1: $25.35
MP+2: $45.73
CO: $39.49
Villain 17/15
Pretty standard flop+turn bet imo. On the Turn I could size a little bigger but I don't really want to bloat up a pot OOP and have to check/call a bit bet on the river. Oh but when I bet smaller I induce sometimes (do we want that?):
Anyway this is NL25z so people are capable of raising turn as a bluff and the good thing is most people raise really tight for value so I think he either has AJdd or he has air.
Since a usual coldcallingrange doesn't include AKdd ATdd and I didn't believe he would play this line with QQ (although I could be wrong here) I think his range also consists of JJ and TT with diamond so that it's profitable to jam turn here if my assumptions are correct.
The good thing is that it's also really unlikely that 17/15 villain probably doesn't flat 22 or 33 pre if he does flat 22 he is probably too nitty to raise/call turn for value at least it would shock me if he did that.
So all in all probably a nice exploit to jam turn no? like the only hand that really beats me is AJdd (and there is a chance it gets folded preflop vs my 9% ish range).
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