Slowplays AA PRE
Posted by Vincent Videau
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Vincent Videau
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Low Stakes
Slowplays AA PRE
Hi !
I need your opinion on this spot :
The CO opens 4bb, Hero 3B to 12bb, then a fish cold call the 3B, then the CO 4B to 26bb.
This is NL25 table, and I was thinking about an alternative strategy where we can make the EVmax move :
by 5BAI and play a HU pot against the CO most of the time (standard and definitely EV+ move) ?
by calling the 4B and keeping the fish in the pot most of the time (alternative and maybe EVmax move) ?
Arguments for the 5BAI :
- we never make a mistake later in the spot
Arguments for calling the 4B :
- we crush the CO ranges made of QQ+,AK and we don't have to make protection from it
- the fish can make huge mistakes post flop
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call 4 bet is profitable, because fish never fold any pair in 4BP
The max ev move will depend on his fold to 4bet stat
Here we don't have a decent sample to take this stat in account
against someone who 4 bets against 2 players his range is extremely value heavy and he's not bluffing without strong reads.So just jam in case the board kills your action
A fish will never fold in this spot almost 100 percent of the time i think.
I assume that he never bluffs here and his range is well defined to {QQ+, AK}
You mean against a shove ?
yep to both statements :)
The fish @ BB had just cold call a 3B of 12bb, he isn't shortstack and project that he'll call my shove "almost 100 percent of the time" seems very optimistic to me :-/
My bad,i thought the fish you were referring to was the 4better,in that case calling is higher EV to keep the fish in .
thanks ;-)
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