slowplayed jack trips vs ¿polarized? nit
Posted by David Jimenez
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David Jimenez
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Low Stakes
slowplayed jack trips vs ¿polarized? nit
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (4 Players)
BN: David Bizar: $12.89 (Hero)
SB: Serejka-over: $6.67
BB: Meizorika: $5.17
CO: Ramiro Kway: $5.52
SB: Serejka-over: $6.67
BB: Meizorika: $5.17
CO: Ramiro Kway: $5.52
BB is a 18/10/4 after 110 hands and has 3bet 4% (2 times, from BB, to me). I am 35/32/9 11% 3b same amount of hands
David Bizar is BN with
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both blind fold lot to steal
FTCB 80% (4/5)
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so I want pocket pairs and flush draws to call, ace high and whatever weaker hand he has, when he re-raises I was thinking on folding right there since I didn't really see much bluffs in his range at the time, even though I've been playing aggressively I don't think he'd be the kind of player to play against that. A lot of fulls and better jacks in his range
Final Pot
Meizorika wins $3.64
Rake is $0.16
Rake is $0.16
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Fold turn. I don't think the described villain will bluff/raise with worse here. As his range is quite tight preflop (folding to steals high) he pretty much has all the better trips in his range plus full houses, so although you have trips your hands becomes a bluffcatcher when you are raised on the turn. No need to hero call against this villain as you should pick up enough money when he calls down against you and overfolds preflop.
yeah that's what I was thinking fold turn seems like the play
U can cbet small size with a high freq on these boards. I think a Jx with bigger kicker fit more to Your decision, chb flop, raise turn. I think at micro stakes villains hardly bluffing enough with these lines so I like Your fold at last on the river.
preflop is still very loose, but yeah, if both of them fold a loooot this might be fine.
your line is either to bet bet bet, or check and calldown (unless you boat up).
The reason you check is to protect your range and let the villains raising turn you're ruining your xb/call range and not letting them bluff. Both of those arguments apply vs tougher regs and this would be a std xb vs a reg. I guess that you will say that you want to charge FDs, but you have to consider the cost of charging those FDs and how much are you really gaining (in this case you're paying off a strong range that doesnt include many bluffs)
Fwiw I think that correct option is just to cbet in these games, since presumably you dont need to protect and people underbluff.
def fold to a turn 3b
thanks that sounds very reasonable in a big picture view
Fold Pre, open J6s
I dont know why you check back flop and raise turn. I would either bet flop or just call turn if ym first intention was to let villain bluff off or v-bet worse. As played, you can find a fold even OTT as 3bet bluff ranges here are pretty much non existent. Fold river for sure.
thanks, still learning... main intention was to seem like a manic and maybe make him call A high, any pair kind of hand. Now considering he's probably not thinking much about my range as much as his two hole cards, I think you're right
Think about how you would play total air most of the time. You definitly wanna c-bet a fry flop like this at high frequnecies when checked to.
If he's a nit, I don't know why you're raising turn. Also, it's pretty bad to rep exactly what you have. I'd just bet flop and failing that I'd call and then do something depending on his river sizing.
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