Sizing range

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Sizing range

Hi pokeristas!

I'm trying to think range instead of thinking with my hand. I'm on my way, slowly. But I'm stuck when it comes to choose a sizing

Sometimes I know that vilain's range is strong, so I won't bluff or rarely. And I go big. I choose some combo to stick to a value/bluff ratio that's correct.
When vilain's range is weaker, I'm lost. When he has a weak range, I'm thinking "go big his range hisso weak he'll fold a lot" but after "well his range won't call enough, better have a good risk reward" and my timebank is gone... My range is an important thing to have in mind when you choose a sizing. When my range is weak a bet bigger since vilain won't believe me and can call to see my hand (bluffcatch). I don't bet pot because my range can't support it. When my range is stronger a bet small since vilain doesn't have to call that often.
How do you deal with that question?
(I know we can overbet when vilain is capped. I'm talking about more standard spots here)

Good luck players!

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