Simple call?
Posted by guljo
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Low Stakes
Simple call?
BB: BB: $9.70
UTG: UTG: $32.24
HJ: Hero: $24.15
CO: CO: $19.80
BN: BTN: $25.38
SB: SB: $14.19
UTG: UTG: $32.24
HJ: Hero: $24.15
CO: CO: $19.80
BN: BTN: $25.38
SB: SB: $14.19
18/16 with small 3b from BB (4,5) His flop CR is only 3%
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.60, CO folds, BTN folds, SB folds, BB calls $0.40
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.60, CO folds, BTN folds, SB folds, BB calls $0.40
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $0.78,
BB raises to $2
His range looks like sets, a few over pairs and nut flush draws.
Even though at first it looks like I have a lot of equity I am doing quite bad against this range ~37%
My intuitive move was just to shove AI with all the equity I have, which I think is a mistake now. I think call and reevaluate turn seems like best.
What do you think?
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Given the strength of his range, you don't have enough fe. Call and reevaluate turn. Your odds are good enough.
Agree just easy call flop
deff agree with u that u deff should not shove. call an make a decision is what I would do for sure. like your thought process all the way
I'd love to know how you're 37% against his range. I can't come up with anything remotely close. Do some work in PPT and you'll have an answer.
Shoving is lighting money on fire as well
I am constructing the ranges using Equilab
You listed 27 combos. For a flop ch/r of 3%, he'd have to be vpiping ~75% from the bb to have a 3% flop ch/r. If he has 18% vpip from bb, he's still ch/r ~12% of his range.
agree, call and take the pot odds
JJ,AQ ??? here? not raise pre:?
18/16 with small 3b from BB (4,5)-still this is 99+,AQ+
A bit off topic but AQ 3b vs HJ becomes a bluff here I don't think he can continue against 4b, also when he 3b most of worse A ans Q are folding so he is playing a dominated hand OOP. I am not saying that you should never 3b AQ against HJ but doing it 100% doesnt seems right.
just call, reeval turn.
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