Should I jam the river or check/call ? ZOOM 0.25/0.50
Posted by MordorMtDoom
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Low Stakes
Should I jam the river or check/call ? ZOOM 0.25/0.50
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $62.97
SB: $113.17 (Hero)
BB: $50.25
UTG: $50.50
MP: $64.78
CO: $51.14
SB: $113.17 (Hero)
BB: $50.25
UTG: $50.50
MP: $64.78
CO: $51.14
Hero is SB with
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I know I'm ahead a lot of the time, and only sometimes beat. I was mainly wondering what is the correct play on the river - check/calling, jamming, betting smaller size?
Thank you
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Hey :) It is kinda hard to judge riverplay if we can't see the rivercard :D
Other than that, a few sidenots on the hand:
i think you should 3bet to a bigger sizing pre, being out of position and having a huge range advantage
especially without the 6s , your hand makes a perfect c/r on the flop to balance and protect ur checkingrange
if you decide to valuebet turn i would size a decent chunk bigger, given the 2 flushdraws and many straightdraws. you should be able to exlude QQ and some% of TT out of his range, but keep in mind that there also quite some stuff that has you beat. he is defending 3 combos 99, ~1.5 combos TT, i would guess at least 3 combos 87s and 3 combos KJs, so yeah... not saying it is not a valuebet, but you have to be careful and be aware against what type of player you are playing. Your hand obviously is very vulnerable and you have to bet basically always, but i would go way bigger, close to potsize.
on the river (which we cant see) i am sure SPR is so low that there is no point in checking anymore and we shoulg be able to comfortably valuejam most rivers except for cards like Js/h or Ks/h or i would most often even check As/h ... Other than that we have a valuejam all day every day and force Villain to way more mistakes, given that we are oop.
Thanks for your comments! I've unhidden the river lol 7c
the 7c is definitely one of the clear-cut value rivjams, as it even blocks Villains 87s and he should have any 8x that arrive at riv except for maybe 98hh or like 86ss, if he calls that wide pre.
hope my comments were useful :)
Yes totally agree with Pew again the turn I bet bigger with draw heavy board and 7c is a good card to jam as villains range would have very little 8x most likely A8s A8h? again very unlikely at this point.
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