Should I have folded exploitatively on the turn?
Posted by jas0n7
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Low Stakes
Should I have folded exploitatively on the turn?
Blinds: $0.08/$0.16 (6 Players)
BN: $19.53
SB: $29.14
BB: $16.00
UTG: $38.17 (Hero)
MP: $18.55
CO: $39.87
SB: $29.14
BB: $16.00
UTG: $38.17 (Hero)
MP: $18.55
CO: $39.87
Hero is UTG with
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Here it seems like 22 and A2 would fold preflop and AA can just stack me as it has to be the last two aces.
Raising makes sense to charge draws and build a pot against possible worse aces or someone who can't bear to fold KK/QQ on the flop to one over.
Raising makes sense to charge draws and build a pot against possible worse aces or someone who can't bear to fold KK/QQ on the flop to one over.
No real hand sample on either, but BB over 60 hands has VPIP/PFR/3B 19/16/15.
SB definitely seems like a weaker player with 1/7 bet on flop followed by pot sized donk bet on turn. I suppose his range could have AQ, QQ, and depending on how optimistic (as a weaker player) they were preflop KQhh, QJhh, QThh. However the Qxhh draws seem unlikely because of the preflop play and the big turn bet, most very weak players would X/C, X/R or bet small.
I think I should have folded OTT and raised slightly bigger on the flop. Calling OTT was particularly terrible as if they had a random heart draw they may be able to get away on river.
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Maybe we should 4-bet, I feel flatting here will induce a multiway pot. Not sure about your raise what are you trying to rep?
I suppose a 4bet preflop could happen, but then I feel hands like AQ would fold, leaving me up against AK+. The only hands I like folding out are hands like QQ/JJ where I'm unlikely to lose a lot of money postflop anyway.
With a range of maybe JJ, TT, AK, AQs on the flop I guess my range is too narrow to raise AK in a balanced way, but since I'm rarely beat and the SB seems like a weaker player, do I need to be balanced? I suppose the argument would be that the BB could fold AQ, KK, QQ, and at least AQ would give me some action on future streets, and if SB is likely to call too wide, I'm better off betting checked turns (no heart, K or Q) to get a hero KK/QQ to call, rather than folding them out on the flop.
Turn is jam or fold, because of pot comittement and his draws and ax have to call anyways, but might fold river. You are too high in your range, imo. only QQ and AQ beat you.
It is pretty safe to assume that you have the best hand on the flop. I would raise bigger and shove any turn. Opponents are clearly weaker players, so you have a ton of value.
You probably shouldn't have a calling range OTT, when he donk-bets he only has 9.32 behind so we're never folding any river. Just get the chips in.
His range can consist of AQ and some QKhh, QJhh, QThh, JThh etc. This range makes turn about a break even call-ish. But a call none-the-less.
Great thanks for all your help. I think we can all agree I played the turn there awfully, but I think that it was clear I should have raised the flop larger and shoved the turn.
If anyone's interested In this hand villain had AQo with Qh.
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