Should I cbet?
Posted by LovePattaya
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Low Stakes
Should I cbet?
CO: CO: $56.56
BN: Hero: $90.51
SB: SB: $50
BB: BB: $50
BN: Hero: $90.51
SB: SB: $50
BB: BB: $50
(4 Players)
Hero was dealt
CO folds, Hero raises to $1, SB folds, BB calls $0.50
CO folds, Hero raises to $1, SB folds, BB calls $0.50
(2 Players)
BB checks,
Hero bets $1.50,
BB raises to $6,
Hero folds
Final Pot
wins $4.99
Should I cbet here 100% and this hand in particular?
He has 16% calling range here and raise cbet OOP is 27%
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I would cbet this type of texture pretty much 100% I think but with your hand would be giving up on the turn or to a raise. You would certainly be cbetting top pair, AA, flush draws, sets.
Maybe you could be a bit more selective and check this back, and cbet where you have more in the way of back doors or overs (e.g. you hold KQs and board comes 3,7,J with one of your suit) so you can pick up equity and barrel on the turn or bluff shove the raise along with your value hands.
If you check back here where you've totally missed you'd also need to check back some made hands for balance. You could do that with a few top pair hands but then you may be giving FDs a chance to draw out on you which I don't like. Maybe only do that where you have a spade blocker.
Against this type of opponent, with quite a high cbet raise, you could maybe also check back some of your FDs so you can realise your equity.
I would not cbet this vs a guy who c/r so much. You have showdown value and you can just bet a ton of turns. I'd be cbetting either hands that can fight back (call or raise) to a xr or total trash like j8hh maybe
This hand is interesting. I wonder how this hand should be played against completely unknown opponent in such a way that opponent cannot exploit the play, and which factors determine wether or not you should cbet with your hand. I'm not sure if 'raise cbet OOP' 27% is normal or high, seems to me like he is c/r with any pair or possibly draw. I would probably look at aggression factor and if it Is high, then check back the flop
vs an unknown this is a slam dunk cbet here with a high frequency. villain should not have many 3s or 7s. He prob won't have AK, and possibly not KQ. I doubt he'll have less than K9s. Where as hero can have all the way down to K2s, a ton of spades, or even better.
27% is an extremely high check/raise. I'd say even like over 15% is getting into the high area...anything over 20% and I'm def altering my strategy big time. I would guess it's even higher in BB vs BTN situations and even higher on these types of boards that people just auto cbet.
just don't cbet this guy much imo :) or have hands you can fight back with. Just keep in mind he's probably used to this situation so I wouldn't be bet / 3 betting total trash either. You might just have to get in KJ here or something you aren't used to doing (not recommending it...just saying play around a little and figure out what's best...maybe he does fold to 3 bets a lot? only one way to find out I guess).
I would probably also tighten up OTB (unless he folds a didn't mention his 3 bet %)...and I would also 3x it. If you are going to open tighter, think 3x is better ... but that's a whole other conversation I guess..
meh quite interesting spot, we do have showdown value maybe more inclined to look for a delayed cbet because he could have a alot of Kx , Ax or drawing
we could also go for a cbet/3bet line here maybe. Villains XR range for value is super narrow...but usually i like to have a little more backup like BDFD beside the BDSD and A high
Because Villain has such a large c/raise percentage, we should polarize our c-betting range with hands that either will stick around/get it in and hands that we can easily fold. With the middle part of our range (such as ace-high), we should just try to get to showdown.
thats a good point...maybe some more aggression stats might help here...cauze his raise cb stat intents that he could be aggressiv in general...i doubt that we will get to SD then without further action. I also would say that A high is more bottom than middle of our range in this spot....
@raoulflush. Yes, I consider ace-high, middle pairs 7x, 3x, and perhaps even a weak king the middle our range and would check the flop back with these hands. If I had a hand like TPGK+, I'm betting and getting it in. On the other hand, if I had a hand with 0 showdown equity, it's an easy b/f OTF. What do you think?
i totally agree with just not sure if we´re able to get to SD vs aggressive Opponents often with A high...I guess its a good plan, cauze i hate B/F as well....but i could - as said - see my self CB/3b this flop...cauz i dont expect any 2p-combo in a 16% calling range, which leaves sets, draws and tbh hes repping nothing but 44,77 and maybe FD and OESD as obv his XR range is pretty air heavy here...even though from a GTO perspective we should rather call then i would prefer a 3b to make him fold his ATC-Equity
You don't necessarily have to get to showdown to win. You can raise turn or river leads. You can bet if it gets checked to you. You can hit an ace.
If he's comfortable messing around on flops, get to a turn and play there.
No reason to worry about being balanced vs this guy when he has such a huge imbalance himself.
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