should i bet/fold my tptk in 4bp?
Posted by zerocool
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Low Stakes
should i bet/fold my tptk in 4bp?
should i bet this size on turn and fold it or i should jam turn? any reason to check turn?
imo, if he get fd may raise otf ? ott, his range look pretty strong set or 2p? he can have bluff like KQs,KJs,QJ ?
in my ppl, villian alway had 2p+ for this line.
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I would vote for bet flop jam turn. We never have 44, TT is probably a pure cold 4b in this dynamic based on GTO ranges (but is it a pure 4b in practice?) and always have AA/AK. He should never have 44, likely to often have TT, might slow play AA. If his range extends to AT/A4 here, his range also has AJ/AQ/Ax.
What is with the 6/6 stat? How big is the sample?
just 20 hand
Yeah, I figured it's tiny sample (I am convinced there are guys playing a srat like that on Ignition Anonymous Zone).
You really can't fear/avoid this spot since every single line you take is going to be super high EV regardless if you bet bet bet, bet jam, jam flop, bet call down, check then call down. Only on the Q/J of spades do you really slow down on the aggression. So just pick the line that you feel most comfortable with or the one that exploits your pool the most - which is probably just bet flop and jam turn or just jam flop. For 100 BB its just a cooler if they have 2 pair or set, no way to get around it.
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