Should 3 bet sizing be more in or out of position? Or the same?
Posted by lazuri
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Low Stakes
Should 3 bet sizing be more in or out of position? Or the same?
But I'm still not sure if this is right, some arguments I've heard:
3 bet larger in position to build pots in position.
3 bet smaller in position because you get more folds.
3 bet larger out of position to take it down.
3 bet larger out of position to get more fold equity.
3 bet smaller out of position to make smaller pots out of position.
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Honestly it probably doesn't matter too much as long as you go a reasonable size. Somewhere around pot size is usually a good starting point.
When you're 3betting in position players you are more likely to get 4bet than when you're 3betting in position. Not only by the original raiser but also you will have other players yet to act behind you who can wake up with a 4bettable hand. Also by keeping the stack to pot ratio a bit larger you increase the value of position slightly.
Most regs usually go slightly smaller in position.
It does kinda depend on what range you're using yourself but without getting too much into that the short answer would look smthing like this - OOP most regs will be flating as low as <25% of the time (quite a few even as low as <20%) so I don't really see the reason to build a bigger pot which will only happen so rarely. So yeah, def. going smaller when IP.
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