[SH] NL100 Zoom AT
Posted by EmanuelC16
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Low Stakes
[SH] NL100 Zoom AT
BN: $104.44
SB: $102 (Hero)
BB: $145.54
UTG: $181.98
HJ: $57.97
CO: $148.19
SB: $102 (Hero)
BB: $145.54
UTG: $181.98
HJ: $57.97
CO: $148.19
Villain opens 38% from CO and folds 67% to 3bets overall, 4bets 1/8 times so no real sample on that. This was the first 3bet pot when he faced a cbet so no stat there specifically. His overall forl to cbet is 45% though. 29% WTSD and 46% W$SD.
I've been thinking about it and it's not the right board to bet small on the turn. Too many 89, 76, T8, etc hands that continue vs just about any size bet so I should probably bomb it. I was also considering check/shove but dk how much he floats or how thin he vbets turn. Do you think I should bet bigger on the turn with all my range? I have some 78s, QJ, KJ, KQ in my range here, seems like a decent spot to have FE with a small bet but not sure.
As played, is river shove too thin? I'm not worried much about QJ (OESD + overs will play more aggressively a lot of the time on prev streets IMO), probably KQ and KJ are the problem, plus my perceived range. Do you think I can get a call from worse without any dynamics?
I've been thinking about it and it's not the right board to bet small on the turn. Too many 89, 76, T8, etc hands that continue vs just about any size bet so I should probably bomb it. I was also considering check/shove but dk how much he floats or how thin he vbets turn. Do you think I should bet bigger on the turn with all my range? I have some 78s, QJ, KJ, KQ in my range here, seems like a decent spot to have FE with a small bet but not sure.
As played, is river shove too thin? I'm not worried much about QJ (OESD + overs will play more aggressively a lot of the time on prev streets IMO), probably KQ and KJ are the problem, plus my perceived range. Do you think I can get a call from worse without any dynamics?
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $3, BN folds, Hero raises to $10, BB folds, CO calls $7
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO raises to $3, BN folds, Hero raises to $10, BB folds, CO calls $7
(2 Players)
Hero bets $12,
CO calls $12
(2 Players)
Hero bets $15,
CO calls $15
(2 Players)
Hero bets $65, and is all in
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Would like to know how others would play it.
I like making a play always, im just suggesting in case you are overdoing it, cant get a feeling by you posting here - it was just same play in 2 posts - overbet river
Btw, there are somethings I didn't understand. Your bets on flop and turn are for value? They are kind of small, making it cheaper for him to draw, and maybe he thinks you were drawing.
The shove on the river was to fold possible JJ in his range? Or do you think he would call with a weaker T or even 9x, pocket 8s?
Postflop is where I wanted comments, especially on our turn range + sizing. With TPTK vs a range that doesn't contain JJ+ we are obivously value betting. River play is clearly too thin of a shove without more info on villain and dynamics between us.
That's why I don't think you have a hand to go for 3 streets of value, and if you think he is a reg, he is not gonna give his stack with less than TPTK. So it seems the river was to turn your hand into a bluff.
Now if we decide to go for two streets of value in this drawy board I would bet flop and turn higher and check river. If he was drawing, most of the draws have a Q in it, and if he was not calliing with a draw (likely as he played so passively) you're not getting called by worst.
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