[SH] NL100 Zoom A5s
Posted by EmanuelC16
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Low Stakes
[SH] NL100 Zoom A5s
BN: $173.95 (Hero)
SB: $45.78
BB: $143.78
UTG: $134.16
HJ: $101.55
CO: $100
SB: $45.78
BB: $143.78
UTG: $134.16
HJ: $101.55
CO: $100
SB is fishy, one entry, limps a lot.
UTG plays more entries I thought he is a regular but he limped here. Later on I foundt out he is actually quite fishy as well.
BB looked like a reg as well, multitabling, big stack, no hands though.
UTG plays more entries I thought he is a regular but he limped here. Later on I foundt out he is actually quite fishy as well.
BB looked like a reg as well, multitabling, big stack, no hands though.
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG calls $1, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero calls $1, SB calls $0.50, BB checks
UTG calls $1, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero calls $1, SB calls $0.50, BB checks
Since UTG might be a fancy regular and I know for sure SB is a fish I decide to limp behind IP.
(4 Players)
SB checks,
BB checks,
UTG checks,
Hero checks
I can't be sure whether anyone would be all their good hands or actuallt check to check/raise vs a bet. I would personally be very inclined to lead but that's definitely not everyone's default line, especially not of a possible fish and a limper.
I think betting can be OK and might be the best play given how weak our hand will be on next streets.
I think betting can be OK and might be the best play given how weak our hand will be on next streets.
(4 Players)
SB checks,
BB bets $4,
UTG folds,
Hero calls $4,
SB folds
Value raise or call? What sizing? He is potting so I don't think he is doing that too weak.
(2 Players)
BB bets $5,
Hero raises to $14,
BB raises to $30.57,
Hero calls $16.57
What value range do you give him here for 3betting river?
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On the turn, i think we should certainly be raising here. Yes it looks a little transparent to 5x almost always since we checked back turn. But we get value from flush draws/eager straight draws, and pairs.
on the river, I like your raise sizing. I think we can get called by many worse hands. Once bb re raises the river, i think his range is something like 99, 88, A5, A9cc, sometimes 95, 85. There is like no way we can be folding river given:
Board: 5c 9d 8c 5d Ad
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 43.750% 37.50% 06.25% 6 1.00 { 99-88, A9s, A5s, 95s, 85s, A5o, 95o, 85o }
Hand 1: 56.250% 50.00% 06.25% 8 1.00 { Ah5h }
tell me if you agree with the range? BB can have 100% of his hands since he is the option pre. I can't find myself to ever be folding ever
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