[SH] NL100 Zoom A5s

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[SH] NL100 Zoom A5s

BN: $173.95 (Hero)
SB: $45.78
BB: $143.78
UTG: $134.16
HJ: $101.55
CO: $100
SB is fishy, one entry, limps a lot.

UTG plays more entries I thought he is a regular but he limped here. Later on I foundt out he is actually quite fishy as well.

BB looked like a reg as well, multitabling, big stack, no hands though.
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A 5
UTG calls $1, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero calls $1, SB calls $0.50, BB checks
Since UTG might be a fancy regular and I know for sure SB is a fish I decide to limp behind IP.
Flop ($4.00) 5 9 8 (4 Players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, Hero checks
I can't be sure whether anyone would be all their good hands or actuallt check to check/raise vs a bet. I would personally be very inclined to lead but that's definitely not everyone's default line, especially not of a possible fish and a limper.

I think betting can be OK and might be the best play given how weak our hand will be on next streets.
Turn ($4.00) 5 9 8 5 (4 Players)
SB checks, BB bets $4, UTG folds, Hero calls $4, SB folds
Value raise or call? What sizing? He is potting so I don't think he is doing that too weak.
River ($12.00) 5 9 8 5 A (2 Players)
BB bets $5, Hero raises to $14, BB raises to $30.57, Hero calls $16.57
What value range do you give him here for 3betting river?


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chigah 12 years, 2 months ago
I think pre is an iso, but with fish in blinds I guess you had reason to limp? I think flop check back is good because we don't fold much better hands if any, and we don't get called by much worse imo.
On the turn, i think we should certainly be raising here. Yes it looks a little transparent to 5x almost always since we checked back turn. But we get value from flush draws/eager straight draws, and pairs.

on the river, I like your raise sizing. I think we can get called by many worse hands. Once bb re raises the river, i think his range is something like 99, 88, A5, A9cc, sometimes 95, 85. There is like no way we can be folding river given:

Board: 5c 9d 8c 5d Ad

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 43.750% 37.50% 06.25% 6 1.00 { 99-88, A9s, A5s, 95s, 85s, A5o, 95o, 85o }
Hand 1: 56.250% 50.00% 06.25% 8 1.00 { Ah5h }

tell me if you agree with the range? BB can have 100% of his hands since he is the option pre. I can't find myself to ever be folding ever
EmanuelC16 12 years, 2 months ago
Definitely not folding river but I was thinking how many value hands would he need to have here for us to 4bet. Sure, he doesn't call 100% of his value hands but still had the thought that people never fold FH and there aren't many boats better since 99 and 88 raise sometimes pre, sometimes lead flop after they check their option so not all 6 FH conbos of those get to the river like this. There aren't many worse either so where would you draw the line?
chigah 12 years, 2 months ago
Ah I see, okay. Well I think A5 is pretty close between 4b and call. But I think this is actually the best hand I can have here given the action since we check back flop. So I don't know how to answer your question. If you think he never folds his full houses then I would say to 4b pretty big for value.

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