[SH] 100NL 3bet pot seemingly very complex turn spot
Posted by David Fu
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David Fu
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Low Stakes
[SH] 100NL 3bet pot seemingly very complex turn spot
CO: $127.34
BN: $100
SB: $110.75 (Hero)
BB: $30
HJ: $114.97
BN: $100
SB: $110.75 (Hero)
BB: $30
HJ: $114.97
(5 Players)
Hero was dealt
HJ folds, CO raises to $3, BN folds, Hero raises to $10, BB folds, CO calls $7
HJ folds, CO raises to $3, BN folds, Hero raises to $10, BB folds, CO calls $7
(2 Players)
Hero bets $14,
CO calls $14
(2 Players)
How do we play QQ no club, QQxc, AA no club, AAxc, KK, AK no club or AcKx , or AcQx on this turn?
Do we have any bluffs in our range if we bet turn here? and if we check are we c/c or c/ring and why?
Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
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I think the bluffs we have in our range on the turn really depends on what your 3betting range is, polarized depolarized how well it hits that board etc... I think by betting turn here AsQc we are turning our hand into a bluff, and if we x/c our hand is a bluff catcher on a really nasty board. Cards we can call river with Ac 9c for sure what about other clubs? I actually prefer to b/f turn now that I think about it, board is just hard to call down :(
QQ (with or w/o club)c/f...he will check back marginal stuff and we do very very poorly vs his betting range
AA(both) bet/fold..i think he can still call the turn with Kx Tx(KQ K9ss,A10,10Q,
AKboth bet
on the river brik i would check fold evrything (i think he would check back all his Kx)and he would bet Jx and better
AQbet/foldcoz AJ ,QJ,10J,J9ss will still call u..plus the occasional station call
im not too worried abt a flush,unless he defending to 3bet very very often,wich a 22/19 normaly doesent and the position SB vs CO made me think that he wont have a lots of 67/78/89 cc...and all the rest of broadway combos who makes a flush are out there on the board+u got the Qc
so the higher flush he can have is A9cc...will he defend pre with it?
i do hope other guys will let me know how they would play it there
Flop he's likely to raise JJ/TT (many bad turns which could kill his action) and he doesn't have many two pairs combos (JTs = 2combos, KJs?). I think you need to bet to get value from pair+Ac/trips/TP (he's likely to pot control IP).
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