Semibluff or take our equity? 200nl
Posted by WM2K
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Mid Stakes
Semibluff or take our equity? 200nl

Villains a tag reg who plays 200+. Over 270 hands he steals 33% from this position and my 3 bet is a std in my range. No reads on what he s calling with pre but so far he s not a fan of folding to 3 bets often. I feel as though this hand is likely in that not quite strong enough to bet/call but really sick to bet fold range. I m more comfortable barreling KQo or idk 97s or something esp as his folding range here is likely pretty limited. If he c/r I expect to be seeing Adxd at worse likely sets, aces up a lot. Still though I would argue c/jamming anything in villains shoes is pretty suspect range wise and he could know this.
What s your play?
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Flop: betting is best. You can check behind once in a while, but you want him to fold most of his broadway hands etc., which he will usually do on an Ahigh board.
Turn: Check for sure. There aren't many hands he calls the flop with that he folds on the turn.
Flop is fine, I´d check the turn as well. It´s good for us to have some flushes in our turn-checking-range (if the flush card hits) and there´s not much value in bluffing.
I'd still make it 18, but I fully agree that over 3x is too much, unless you have specific reads on villian.
Like they said its good for us to have flushes in our check turn range. I prefer check.
Im thinking if we can jam some river more than diamonds. Kings ? What´s doing the typical nl200 reg with AJo if i jam a Ks river ?
More interesting decision comes on different rivers. I think I see some bluff jams in our future...
Also we can bluffaise T/5/4 rivers.
I'm on board with checking back this hand some % of the time though.
i think the jack is a good card to bet on whether or not if it gave you a flush draw imo. It'll be pretty tough to see villain continuing with his 8x hands here and probably 9s/10s as well.
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