SB vs BB - Raised paired board with flush
Posted by Shaun Pauwels
Posted by Shaun Pauwels posted in Low Stakes
SB vs BB - Raised paired board with flush
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $66.56
SB: $25.00 (Hero)
BB: $25.35
UTG: $11.39
MP: $34.34
CO: $28.58
SB: $25.00 (Hero)
BB: $25.35
UTG: $11.39
MP: $34.34
CO: $28.58
Hero is SB with
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I decided to cbet this hand but was doubting between check/call and cbet here. Given that people likely still overfold these spots I decided to cbet, do it often and smaller size. Likely that I need to check here way more OOP in theory but exploitative we want to bet. That's my opinion at least, feel free to comment on why I'm wrong.
This feels like a spot Peter Clarke would say is an overbet. BB raises a lot of his 7x hands, We have QQ, TT, AQ, AA, KK and now more 7x as well so we can apply a lot of pressure. And get away with a lot of bluffs because of this, bluffs that do have equity when called.
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So we actually get there. Now all I need to do is decide on a sizing. I decided for a size that I would want to bet with my thinner valuebets and even full houses that are blocking calling range. But it's likely I should have multiple sizing options here.
So we got raised, but do we call? Let's assume given the stakes that BB is not doing this as a bluff.
BB's value range:
77, 7Ts, 74s, Q7s, AJcc, A9cc, A8cc, A5cc, A3cc, A2cc are the value hands we don't beat for a total of 13 combo's.
QJcc, Q9cc, Q8c, J9cc, J8cc, 98cc for a total of 6 combo's we beat.
Now it is possible that BB doesn't raise all those flushdraws we do beat. And it is possible he considers A7 as a value jam. Hard to say readless. Let's look at some math instead. We have to be good 28.44%. So we do need him to bluff 6 combo's.
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