SB play when there was a 3bet before - TT on SB vs CO open and BU 3bet
Posted by scrazy
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Low Stakes
SB play when there was a 3bet before - TT on SB vs CO open and BU 3bet
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $97.28
SB: $50.00 (Hero)
BB: $38.19
UTG: $50.00
MP: $56.72
CO: $137.64
SB: $50.00 (Hero)
BB: $38.19
UTG: $50.00
MP: $56.72
CO: $137.64
Hero is SB with
, , , ,
Final Pot
BN wins $3.75
How we should construct our SB range here against unknown regs?
What changes if the original raiser was a fish?
Generally i just cold4b a pretty tight range ~4% here, and TT is not in it.
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Depends how wide the BU is 3betting, in this spot given they're deep I would guess he's 3betting wide so I'm probably 4bet/calling TT+. I don't cold calling is going to make a whole lot of money but I've seen enough "regs" call some hands in this spot to think there is some rationale behind it.
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