Rivered straight w/ double backdoor runouts
Posted by cdubdiddly
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Low Stakes
Rivered straight w/ double backdoor runouts
Blinds: $0.50/$1.00 (5 Players)
UTG: $170.91
CO: $71.96
BN: $138.25 (Hero)
SB: $98.75
BB: $100.00
CO: $71.96
BN: $138.25 (Hero)
SB: $98.75
BB: $100.00
Villain 21/13/5.1 thru only 121 hands. Fold to steal 6/7 thru a small sample
Hero is BN with
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Do you put in a raise here? Why/why not? If so, how much?
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Im usually not raising this river. This runout favors the range of BB a lot and still the passive looking guy is betting after the one card straight and the flush gets to the board. This lets my alarmbells ring.
So there is a decent amount of straights and flushes that beat us now, so imo this raise would simply be to thin as i expect to get called about never from worse.
We might consider a raise with 9T and a diamond, but even then we have to raise really small to hope for a crying call of the lower straight imo.
I 3X'd and he just called with KTdd. I need to hone in more on when passive players take these actions, i.e. the alarm bells. Basically, I didn't think he would semi-bluff the turn as a passive player (probably not a fair assumption in hindsight) so I put a lot more pair hands in his range given turn action and tried to squeeze out a crying call on the river from worse. This particular player profile would likely lay down worse, so it's not a play here.
I agree with RaoulFlush comments. Villain could be leading turn with AdXd or 7dXd. There are some two pairs in there as well. It's possible villain is sticky enough to call a small raise, but it's thin. Are you going to fold if you raise and he clicks it back for a 3 bet? Mostly just flushes that I would be raising the river with for a larger sizing and also bluffs AdXx where I turn top pair like AdJx into a bluff thinking it doesn't have enough sdv.
Yes I would have to fold if he clicks it back...is this a spot where I ask myself that question and the answer is yes, I should be more inclined to call? Is that what you're getting at?
Being able to fold is important if you are raising for thin value. Would really suck if guy turned AdX into a bluff. So being able to raise fold is part of it and also being called by worse is the other part of it. I just don't see it as a very good spot in general to be raising.
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