NL10z Rivered straight on monotone flop IP
Posted by frontdoorbackdoor
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NL10z Rivered straight on monotone flop IP
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
BN: $10.25 (Hero)
SB: $11.61
BB: $23.96
UTG: $12.71
MP: $10.79
CO: $14.50
SB: $11.61
BB: $23.96
UTG: $12.71
MP: $10.79
CO: $14.50
CO is 19/16 with 6.4% 3b over 184 hands. Opening 29% from the CO
Hero is BN with
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$6.79 effective behind
I struggle a bit on monotone flops but have been keeping my range in tact for the most part and delaying aggression to the turn. I'd probably raise low flushes, some straights, maybe 66 and some bluffs. In terms of bluffs, having Tx is good blocking villain's straight combos and we also block 2 pair and JJ. Having a diamond would also be good but i dont think i get here with many offsuit broadways that we want to turn into bluffs. On the river, i don't think we get here with any bluffs as everything has improved.
With that in mind can we just be betting with a small sizing with our range, hoping to get calls from overpairs and 2pairs, folding to a x/shove?
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Checking back should be fine here. On the turn you're representing something like sets, straights and flushes and you'll probably never turn a set into a bluff here so really what bluffs can you have here now? AdJx? It just seems really hard to get called by worse given your line and the board runout.
This hand is so interesting. When I first read it I hated your turn play and just thought why you would ever raise. But it's so hard to find good bluffs here after calling the cbet on a monotone board and not having many offsuit combos (so flushdraws) in your range due to preflop ranges. I can see the reasoning that you want to raise some low flushes here for value and need to seek good bluffs to balance. JT indeed has some nice blockers so it might be alright for this move.
However I believe on the board texture opponents might overcall rather strongly because so many hands have at least enough perceived equity with so many pairs+draws being out. I guess with bluffs we need to find 3 barrels pretty often. So I would especially at NL10 feel ok to underbluff this spot, still raising some low flushes. To have some bluffs T9 and TT might be slightly better than JT because they have similar blocker value but lower showdown value.
At the same time an opponent betting two times on this board kind of splits his range to FD or beating JT, T9, TT likewise so making a difference here between the value of these hands could even not make sense.
River is tough. Bet-Folding with just barely a pot bet left starting river action I would not do at NL10 where I can see players doing this for "value" with a T even rarely. So I would check behind / bet-call / shove.
I m not into this turn raise at all. Villains tend to be too strong with their front door aggression, the card connected and likely should slow him down but its not. Therefore hes even more likely too be too strong. So by raising we are looking to get him off of KQ at the worst? We re blocking the possible weak points in his range and not blocking any flushes either. I don t see the logic at all and don t see why bluff raising with idk 8d8x or the like isnt sufficient if we must have a bluffing range.
I think that really makes more sense...probably in this case having the possibility to just call for so much EV with JT leads to not giving a poop about blockers. I don't like my argument trying to make this reasonable no more ._.
agreed, the only thing I wan to add is that the J is actually a really bad blocker, because QJ/JJ type of hands are the ones we want to fold out.
i just don't think, that we need to worry about balancing in this spot. I can't really see a NL10 reg thinking on the turn "he does not really have a bluffing range here, so I am going to make a tight fold", when we raise our flushes etc.
Thanks all for the comments. Can see the reasoning for not wanting to bluff raise the turn vs a range that is pretty strong. I dont think we would be expecting JJ and QJ to fold vs this raise, rather targetting KQ maybe tight AQ but agree that this is overly optimistic. For those interested, checked back and he showed QJo no diamonds
That would be something if he showed QJo with a diamond :)
haha :P
Turn raise works out really nicely if villain bets the turn frequently with hands like AQ/KK/AA without a diamond. If not, then it becomes not great. So it's kind of hard to say. The EV of turn raise is a bit of a question mark for me whereas calling is almost certainly profitable, so I guess I'd favor that option.
I'm not sure if the raise is that great even if CO bet-folds his tp/overpair without a diamond. We get to fold 15 combos, but he has like 50 combos to continue and our equity isn't great vs his continuing range.
We can also get jammed on by AK/AT with a diamond, his lower flushes and maybe something else occasionally. I wouldn't hate a tight fold with JTs and overfold here in general.
Is a tiny vbet on the river acceptable?
My answer would be no, seems really hard to get calls from worse and villain still has AdTx in his range as well as flushes.
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