river with the nut flush blocker against a nit
Posted by David Jimenez
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David Jimenez
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Low Stakes
river with the nut flush blocker against a nit
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (5 Players)
CO: Fitas88: $5.00
BN: Senaju: $5.47
SB: DarkEvilus: $5.52
BB: David Bizar: $6.05 (Hero)
UTG: God suzuki: $5.07
BN: Senaju: $5.47
SB: DarkEvilus: $5.52
BB: David Bizar: $6.05 (Hero)
UTG: God suzuki: $5.07
13/11/1 252-h
didn't have any reads, seems like a passive nit probably playing a bunch of tables and not getting enough value
didn't watch it in play but steal SB: 45%(5/11)
didn't have any reads, seems like a passive nit probably playing a bunch of tables and not getting enough value
didn't watch it in play but steal SB: 45%(5/11)
David Bizar is BB with
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should have had fold here probably
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Flop* is just a fold probably against anyone.
OTT I would raise a bit bigger both with value and bluffs.
I think his range will be 2pair+ mostly once he gets to the river here, so the question is whether he will fold enough of that range or not.
Theoretically, I think this should be a bluff always and you're probably still underbluffing.(assuming you don't call all of your Adx OTF :D)
I'm really not sure if it's worth bluffing here at these stakes.. Some postflop stats, or some population read might be very useful.
which stats would you like to see?
like fold to riverbet, wtsd.
wtsd 20 (4/20)
ftrb 83 (5/6)
It's a low sample, but his stats say he doesn't mind folding a lot, so I'd make the bluff.
I'd bet at least potsize, probably more. Shoving might be too much if we wanna use 1 size with all our flushes.
I like that, not shoving but over betting
I did shove though he weirdly show Td5d, tanked a lot before calling
fun hand
probably should move up to a stake where they respect my raises
Dont expect ppl at 5NL to fold 'cause of a blocker.
As played, raise turn bigger, follow up on the river otherwise it's burning money do to this play
I like the flop call because we have the nut BDFD because in B vs B the ranges are so wide, what I don't like is the check OTR. You should continue there almost always.
If it was me I would have 3bet pre flop with a hand like this. Is there anything wrong with that play?
Good hand to call, horrible hand to 3bet, A2o-A5o might sound good to 3bet but you'll need more playability. If you gonna 3bet bluff better do it with some suited hand.
But you need a stronger hand to call than to 3 bet right? So what is good enough about ace rag to call?
It's not about strength, it's about a hand you can maneuver. A6 is a stronger hand than 64s but against a 3bet calling range in SB it plays badly.
But against a SB opening range it plays fine.
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