River is raised MW infront of us with small flush. 200nl

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River is raised MW infront of us with small flush. 200nl

CO: $202.50
BN: $200 (Hero)
SB: $200
BB: $124.65
HJ: $200
Preflop ($3.00) (5 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 6
HJ folds, CO calls $2, Hero raises to $6.75, SB folds, BB calls $4.75, CO calls $4.75
Flop ($21.25) J Q 2 (3 Players)
BB checks, CO checks, Hero bets $14, BB calls $14, CO calls $14
Turn ($63.25) 4 (3 Players)
BB checks, CO checks, Hero checks
River ($63.25) 4 (3 Players)
BB bets $17.62, CO raises to $51.24
Both villains with relatively unknown but looked like fishes with stack sizes and CO limping. Thoughts on river range and our action?


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Adrian Milroy 12 years, 3 months ago
Given CO's overcall on the flop, it's pretty much impossible that he can have a value hand there that will end up beating you on the river (set that improves to full house). Nobody has a 4 in this spot. Its extremely unlikely BB has a big value hand either. The only thing you're beating is some weak TQ or KQ bet that then gets bluff raised by T9/KT. Otherwise it's pretty obvious CO has a flush (BB can still have this too, but very unlikely with his bet sizing). This is if you're playing against people that play properly/optimally.

If these guys are droolers, then I'd fall back the fact that you have a flush vs these guys and just flat river raise, and not put another dime in. But since you don't know them, and only have a CO open limp and buy-in sizes to go by, I think it's fair to say these guys are recreational players, but not necessarily total fools. If you had like T8dd, I'd for sure flat this raise all day but you really have the lower flush possible (25s/23s/35s). This is a fold.
Jean-Christophe St-Pierre 12 years, 3 months ago

I feel like you have to call this river. Mostly because you are playing two fishs.
Also 'cuz the river action, ive seen many limpar fish over-repping their top pair, especially against a small river bet like this. (I'm also very positive that your turn check made you disappear from the hand in their thinking.)
Aaron Shadrick 12 years, 3 months ago
I also think that at 1/2 this could be an A4. Many fish will take an A rag to the river in the hopes of spiking an A. Possible he back doored trip 4's. Also possible he called down with top pair good kicker. Using the 4d as a scare card. I have found many fish will not put you on a flush that you bet all the way down. The fact he checks the turn also makes me think he has a weakish Q but he sees your check as weakness. I would call.
Sean Lefort 12 years, 3 months ago
As Adrian and James said, pretty easy fold I think. I would be betting the turn as well given that neither player seems to have a nutty hand and they're both in very tough spots with bluff-catchers against another bet.
Nick Smith 12 years, 2 months ago
Sean and those who have posted to fold, could you please elaborate on your thought processes in this spot. I am less familiar online as to live so maybe that is the difference here, but live and here I almost always flat call the river (which may be a leak in my play if you can explain why). I find that the lack of a turn bet puts the hero in trouble because it limits the amount of information he has about the opponents hands, so in that sense I agree with Sean 100%. A more optimal line would be bet the turn and plan for a river bet to apply pressure regardless of the card that falls unless you are raised on the turn bet. However, when we all check and then you lead out, get a fold and the CO raises you $35 on top of your $17 into $80 a flush crosses my mind but this makes me think back to the turn where everyone checks. I think its far more often you see a player in late position continuation bet to the checks to protect his bluff or drawing hands in this spot or even more likely to think he is getting value on his hands that made 2 pair or the A4 situation Aaron describes which I find likely to show up here too. I see Q10, J10, QJ as strong contenders for the raise, much more so than a made flush. I also see these players raising more on a stronger flush, but that is where I may be wrong. Your insight is appreciated.

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