river bluffshove vs donk flop? rare spot | blockers a good enough reason?
Posted by DatpKay
Posted by DatpKay posted in Mid Stakes
river bluffshove vs donk flop? rare spot | blockers a good enough reason?
SB: $227.25
BB: $565.30
UTG: $405.80
MP: $224.25 (Hero)
CO: $148.20
Villain is a competent winning player/TAG
OTF I like both given my superb equity
I think his most likely range is a mix of FDs, 88-JJ, 78, 55, 66...
I am rather surprised by a donk from such a player in this spot so I wanted to proceed cautiously.
OTT with him continuing I think raising has no real benefit and since I am so unsure about his range I think call is the best option
OTR I thought that
a) He will bet Ax clubs for value some time
b) we block his most likely 56 combo with the 6 of clubs
c) we can "rep" A7, AA,
d) He could get to the river with some kind of AK/AQ with a club that he somehow elected to bet on the flop
In hindsight I funnily think it is somewhat spewy but in the hand I felt really good about the spot because I block the nuts and his unorthodox line
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