River Bet Size?

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River Bet Size?

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1 limp nitty recreational player opens 70 utg I call JTcc OTB limper calls who's on tilt. 

Flop K96ccd. 

Limper ck pfr 110 I call limper calls. -- Is raising flop better than calling? I was trying to keep the guy on tilt in. If the other guy wasn't on tilt is call still better than raising or vis versa?

Turn 5c Limper ck pfr leads 220 I raise to 680(How is this sizing or should I go bigger?) limper folds pfr calls has 1900 left. River 8x he ck. 

Board: Kc 9c 6d 5c 8s

What would be good sizing in this spot?


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Regularblue 10 years, 9 months ago

Flop and turn is fine in my opinion, turn raise is a pretty decent size, any bigger and we probably get too many folds, exploitatively speaking. Maybe you could make it like 780 so you can get more calls when you jam all in on the river.

River as played so far, i think villain probs has a range of Ak with a club, flushes, sets and the occasional K9s.

Given this, it really depends on how good you think he is, if he is never folding 2 pair/sets, then obviously jamming is much better.

However when you do go allin on the river we look extremely strong, especially since we raised the turn 3 handed (possibly an argument for flatting turn, raising rivers, also keeping the tilted fish in the pot).

Its kinda of difficult due to how strong you look here no matter what you bet, but in the end it really comes down to your opponents ability, and whether he can fold a decent hand.

You could bet something like 60% pot knowing that you then get a call more often, but this kind of looks suspicious, as with bluffs you probably dont want to bet smaller given the fact you are getting called more often with a smaller sizing. You also miss quite a bit of value Vs the right opponent.

I would personally probably just ship the river allin, problem is you really dont have any bluffs in this spot, or atleast very few, as the action was 3way with a fish. So that is an argument for say a 1/2 pot bet.

In conclusion it all comes down to what you know about your opponents tendancies and how much of a station he/she is.

sado44 10 years, 9 months ago

I think call the flop is better than raise, please make the tilt limper stay in this game.

Turn bet is find and V sill can call, his range is really good and any set,two pair or straight in hand ,and think you are bluff always.

I will easy jam the river.

forhayley 10 years, 8 months ago

do you have a bluffing range on the turn? if not, then don't raise. if yes, then you want to use the largest sizing possible on river given there's only a psb or so behind (meaning we are not too concerned about value cutting ourselves with our turn value raise range), because this will entitle you to the biggest piece of the pot in the long run. is villain a complete retard? then bet what you think he will call and don't ask people who couldn't possibly have any idea how to exploit him for you.

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