RFI 2.2x EP........

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RFI 2.2x EP........

As the title stated RFI to 2.2x in EP........Folds to 30bb SB why 3 bets to 7.5bb and BB (Full Stack) Calls

What does your range look for like a) ripping b) 4betting standard c) calling d) folding.

Are you ever ripping? If so what hands and why?

Thoughts on 4b to something standard? If so and why and also what size?



**Use a standard EP range, won't really matter too much as long as between 17-20% of combos.


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phrikshin 2 years, 3 months ago

I don't have a ripping range vs this sizing. If you did have a ripping range it would focused around AKo and TT. As for why, I think it has to do with those hands being some of our lowest equity value hands (in reality I think I just saw it in a solver somewhere a few times over).

4B range is going to be very standard but I think a bit wider given that the 3Ber has 30BB. I am think JJ+, AQs, AK. I wouldnt bother with too many holdings like A5s simply because I think your fold equity is rather limited. AQo I think would be the extent of my 4B "bluffs".

Calling any pocket pairs or suited ace I opened alongside a lot of suited broadways. Calling all my suited connectors.

Folding most of my off suit holdings including the AQo I don't 4b and worse. Folding any suited Kx worse than K9.

The presence of the full stack caller is what causes me to open up pretty wide with my calls.

i-hate-soup 2 years, 3 months ago

Hey Bro
In High rake environments. I tag him yellow for weak Reg because he does not understand RFI and is probably following preflop charts. if its a high rake I am assuming this is low stakes so high rake and soft. (lose passive)

GTO charts open for smaller sizes preflop Because the solver is expecting the button to be 3betting at least 10%. I guarantee this is not happening low stakes games.

The correct adjustment to High Rake. is to open larger with a slightly tighter range. the weak players are going exploit themselves by calling these large bets out of position. which just feeds you win rate and when everyone folds pre you save on that massive rake which is the opponent you are fighting on every hand you only beat him when ever one folds pre.

In tough mistakes 500z+ pool on stars I would imagine you can play closer to GTO charts preflop.

hope that does not come across as Harsh. But when I realized this my win rate really started to improve.


HawksWin 2 years, 3 months ago

I am intrigued because I was playing the larger to smaller strategy and I decided to experiment with smaller to larger and my results improved when I adopted the latter strategy. I mean smaller UTG and increasing the size as I approached the BTN.

I play anon so I use 3x from every position with JJ+ and AK and sometimes I add in TT. My problem with the bigger size is that I get flatted about 17% of the time by someone IP. JJ+ and AK player pretty easily OOP, TT is right there too.

There are a few other subtleties that are in there too, most notably the tighter 3 betting range (we lose less when we RFI/fold) and the higher frequency of MW pots involving the BB.

i-hate-soup 2 years, 3 months ago

Also I am only 4 betting for value because SB is short stack and almost for sure not good, the pool way under 3bets so I will 4bet for value. depending how bad the BB is will determine what hands we can flat. If its just you and SB you have to call tight because he has a strong range and you don't have implied odds of a full stack

i-hate-soup 2 years, 3 months ago

I am intrigued because I was playing the larger to smaller strategy and I decided to experiment with smaller to larger and my results improved when I adopted the latter strategy. I mean smaller UTG and increasing the size as I approached the BTN.

You could be correct about this for your games. definitely do some more data base research. Do you play on ignition? the Meta game may have changed. But my gut says low stakes would still be really soft.

I play anon so I use 3x from every position with JJ+ and AK and sometimes I add in TT. My problem with the bigger size is that I get flatted about 17% of the time by someone IP. JJ+ and AK player pretty easily OOP, TT is right there too.

Is this zoom poker? or Reg tables. so now we are opening a weak range when we open with 2.2 meaning and its going to get called more and you will play OOP with that weak range?

There are a few other subtleties that are in there too, most notably the tighter 3 betting range (we lose less when we RFI/fold) and the higher frequency of MW pots involving the BB.

I don't think this good. More flops Equals more rake paid. we are only getting 3bet at half the amount we should.

Anyway I would watch some videos of elite crushers playing your games. the videos that helped me the most were videos of sauce playing 25nl 50nl. or Tyler forester playing NL25.

i-hate-soup 2 years, 3 months ago

Would you 4b TT+ and AK to a standard size or do you split and 4b some standard and rip others?

In my games its more villain dependent. I would only rip meta reasons. tilted players etc.

But overall if population is only 3betting 5%. We need to be defending much tighter overall.

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