Returning to Poker - Trying to Identify Leaks after first 12k hands

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Returning to Poker - Trying to Identify Leaks after first 12k hands

I have returned to playing poker after a few years off, and was looking for some feedback on my stats to see if anything stands out as a glaring leak or something I need to work on. The sample size isn't very big, but I definitely think I am too tight right now. Please see stats below and let me know if you have any thoughts.

VPIP: 22.4
PFR: 16.9
3Bet: 5.34
Early RFI: 16.7
Mid RFI: 20.2
CO RFI: 23.1
3Bet OOP: 6
Fold to 3bet OOP: 52
3Bet IP: 4.37
Fold to 3bet IP: 64
Cbet OOP: 44
Fold to Cbet OOP: 45
Cbet IP: 55
Fold to Cbet IP: 45
Cbet 3BP IP: 80 (for both 3b Cbets I tend to cbet range for 30% of pot)
Cbet 3BP OOP: 82.5
Fold to Cbet in 3BP OOP: 43
Fold to Cbet in 3BP IP: 40
Steal: 31
Defend Steal: 21

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