Regular or 6- max?
Posted by BigSchnidde
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Low Stakes
Regular or 6- max?
Hello all,
I played a while 6-max, than I did not play for a while and read some books.
What I have learned is that when trying to start off playing solid and to build a bankroll it is better to play Regular instead of 6- max which I started 6000 Hands ago.
Reading this forum here I see mostly 6- max players, and looking on Pokerstars NL100 and NL200 I can see the Zoom Players are only playing 6- max now a days.
Do you see it reasonable for me to play a couple of thousand hands (I don't know maybe 200 a- 300.000, whatever I need) on regular NL10 and NL25 to become solid in what I call standard play, means regular ranges, analysis and so on to than skip to 6- max?
Or do you say this doesn't make sense as I will have a hard time changing.
Play solid and stick to the plan right? When the goal is to play NL100 once, and I see the Zoom Players there only in 6- max, what's your suggestion?
LG Big
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Nobody Any Comment on that?
I just have one advice: PLAY 6-MAX.
Forget about nitring. Focus on mastering 6-max play
There is plenty of soft full ring action on pokerstars at lower stakes. Play whatever you prefer, but most people enjoy playing shorthanded because you can play more hands and a little more aggressive. I personally prefer HU and 3 handed the most.
I always say that the best thing to play poker is because you like it. So play whatever you feel confortable with, then move up, just one thing, it is not going to be easy, 100NL is one of the most difficult things on poker games after playing NL500 and NL200 on pokerstars.
Yeah you are totally right, just trying to have a plan!
I have no problem with NL200 and NL500 either :D
6max is best
Nit ring = no good :P
The "max" in "6-max" actually stands for maximum fun... so play that :-D
Seriously though I think most players would agree that you will improve your game faster be playing 6 max, being involved in more hands will teach you how to better deal with certain spots.
Playing devil's advocate - when you play full ring you're typically up against 'good hands' and less bluffs. That'll put you in situations that leave you clueless. So not sure I necessarily agree. Although you do, as said above, play more hands 6-max since your hands seem better with less players.
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