really bad play ? mpvsBTN
Posted by fidelinos
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Low Stakes
really bad play ? mpvsBTN
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $13.87
SB: $7.74
BB: $5.29
UTG: $3.70
MP: $5.26 (Hero)
CO: $4.63
SB: $7.74
BB: $5.29
UTG: $3.70
MP: $5.26 (Hero)
CO: $4.63
Hero is MP with
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stats in 16 hands 50/31/14 - 16 hands- yes too litle hands but 3b 14?
i maybe should have 4be bigger.. anyway
i maybe should have 4be bigger.. anyway
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wanted to cut internet connection when i saw this flop ... worst than ever i thought- i checked
he bet and its like : hey man i have JJ QQ 99 - set.
didnt like to call because unless a T comes everything else will be no help. Also if i call i will have to call turn also.
decided to shove, not knowing what to do TBH. - bad play ???
he bet and its like : hey man i have JJ QQ 99 - set.
didnt like to call because unless a T comes everything else will be no help. Also if i call i will have to call turn also.
decided to shove, not knowing what to do TBH. - bad play ???
one of those confusing spots..
is folding standard?
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On a flop like this IMO it's okay to slow down on this texture, perhaps even fold. Yes you have an over pair but this board hits villain smack dab in the middle of their 4bet calling range. Before you make your decision try to ask yourself a couple things. What hands are folding when you check raise that called a 4bet pre? What hands are you repping by 4betting pre? How do those 2 ranges balance out? Check/Calling this flop is a better option. I don't think I would c/raise here with out a flush draw as as well.
and by calling what is my plan on other streets? I
1. If he slow down check it down-
2. If he fires again fold?
I think there's arguments for both plays here. C/R like you did and C/C. If Villain has a set then it's just unlucky but his range could also still include AK & AQ. I don't think a T will be in his range as the 4 bet should have folded that out. I would have probably preferred the C/C route as the only hands that are calling the all in are drawing hands or sets or even AAt. If you had the Kd in you hand then I think the C/R could be argued because of it acting as a blocker
@fidelinos - unimproved, if they bet again on the turn then I'm folding.
FWIW I don't think this was a "really bad play" I think this is a good learning spot that you found to improve your game on. Don't be so hard on yourself dude : )
I prefer to cbet flop, because you have value against a lot of hand that can flat 4bet: AQ, AJs maybe, KQs, TT and other drawing hands. Anyway you can also c/shove, but probably you have to balance it with your draw in the 4bet range: something like Axs, Kxs.
Checking is defiantly good here, vs most vsEP three/call 4-bet range's we are crushed RvR. Especially if you polarize your 4-bet range. I think it is just a check call, hope for Qx , FD ATs QTs at small frequencies. 99, KTs, QJs should be weighed preflop, call down on non connecting cards.
Nice hand to post man and great presentation, got a kick out of that! :D
if he 3b/calls AQ this is fine
the more i think about this hand the less i see him betting on that flop with less than a set.. If we were playing deeper i would probably not shove and call , maybe folding on T or R . ( by deep i mean 200bb+)
ps. he end up having 99.
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