Range construction Flop Ad Qh 7s
Posted by LeavingWinterBehind
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Low Stakes
Range construction Flop Ad Qh 7s
My SB 3-bet range have 57% equity vs BTN calling range. Quite a significant range advantage. Still there is not that many hands that want to cb this board for value on the flop. Alot of underpairs to the ace. Whats your opinion on this range contruction?
Hero SB 3-bet vs Villan BTN on Flop: Ad Qh 7s
Total combos: 308 CB: 38% Check: 50% (defend 72%) Check-raise: 12%
Value CB: A8s+,ATo+= 72
“Bluff” CB: KJ, KJs, KTs, T8s(3), K9s(3), 97s(2), 87s(2), 76s(2), 75s(2), 66, 55 = 46
Check-Raise value: QQ, 77, A7s= 16
Check-Raise bluff: JTs(3), T9s(3), 98s(3), T8s(3), 86s/3) 65s(3)= 21
Check-Call: KK+,JJ-88,A7s-A2s,KQs,Q9s+,A9o,KQo,QJo= 112
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