Raise or Fold Strategy as Preflop Caller in 3Bet Pots on the Flop

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Raise or Fold Strategy as Preflop Caller in 3Bet Pots on the Flop

I haven't played poker in a long time, but towards the end of my career (ending with $2/$4 Rush on FTP) I realized that I was getting barreled off a ton of hands in 3bet pots. I also realized that 2.5xing (or smaller) other player's half pot (or smaller) cbets in 3bet pots was making me a ton of money. As a result I adopted a strategy of raising or folding the bulk of my range on the flop.

More details:
- I would call QQ and lower pre (getting in AA/KK for cooler value) and raise call flops light for value.
- I would raise call strong draws on the flop.
- Thinking back, my calling strategy consistent mostly of lock hands, and crappy draws where either:
a) good barrel cards for my opponent were either good for my hand (improved to a lock or gave me enough equity to jam the turn)
b) bad barrel cards for my opponent did not make my hand but allowed me to take it when checked to
- If a and b were reversed I was more likely to raise/fold my crappy draws on the flop.

Games have obv changed a ton, but what was wrong with this strategy?

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