R bluff vs unknown
Posted by Gay Theory
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Gay Theory
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Low Stakes
R bluff vs unknown
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BB: gaucan: $5.67 (Hero)
UTG: stejeanus: $5.05
MP: Abrapard: $5.32
CO: billbow100: $4.60
BN: demishev1: $2.00
SB: guerra4everAA: $7.65
UTG: stejeanus: $5.05
MP: Abrapard: $5.32
CO: billbow100: $4.60
BN: demishev1: $2.00
SB: guerra4everAA: $7.65
gaucan is BB with
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im trying to fold down some AX hand like AJ here.. or at least.. A2... he can have all A2o in SB range... that idiot snapcalled me down with A5o... most ppl would barell flushes OTT so he dont have any , plus i block flushes with Qc , he would also imo barell AQ , so his best hand OTR is like A6 A3 or then AK/AJ... but he still can have like shitload of A2,A4,A5,A7,A8,AT which i was kinda aiming to fold... is this bad? against such big raise he should be folding imo some, since i would have some 2P myself like A6 A3 but mostly i would be raising here just flushes that i wont bet OTT... wat u think about his call with A5o? i must be unknown to him as well
is river better call only since i still have SDv?
is river better call only since i still have SDv?
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Why? Why not just v-bet turn when you ahve the best hand almost always?
vbet from wut? u crazy sempai?;o cum skype plz
Pf I think we can 3b this hand, but both calling and 3b is fine imo. Would also bet the turn to simply get a free sd at the river. And just a thought people dosen't like folding TP especially when it comes in on the river. And wouldn't you bet all your combo draws on the turn most likely? This bluff makes no sense at all imo.
i guess main bullshit i see here is that im trying to fold out a fish from TP , or a hand that just improved
It's tough for you rep hands like AJ+ since you didn't 3b them preflop and BDF's are just an unlikely holding. I can see what your trying to do but you need to understand the thought processes of your average opponent in this population a little better imo. Maybe have a look over your DB for spots like this and see how your doing over a large sample (you probably need 100k+ hands).
im not trying to rep AJ but flushes and 2Ps like A6,A3... and actually i thought i have a blocker to flush but now i realize i dont since Qc is a pair so it doesnt rly block that much altho it does if i think that he will herocall me with 2nd pair , and plus i have a blocker to top2: AQ as well so like overall blockerish this is kinda good raise i guess.. but the thing is.. do i even have to bluffraise in these spots, so that when i have a value i will get paid off.. i guess overall i would in micros... they just such a stations in any raised spot and always call me down w/o reads light and give me milion of bluffs in range w/o having them... or they just are not able to fold TP.. or i have small WSD and big R 2bet... who knows..
generally bet turn, but checking sometimes is fine
i think close to a call on river
now i think that R is clear call tru SDv , weak action, and blockers, since bluffing even with big sizing just doesnt work vs unknowns as we can see.. this is just mega lite call from him
If you want to get called, that is the way to go (: 5nl is filled with fish that are never folding top pair and villain always has an Ace when he B X B this runout
why no any other hands than AX when BXB?
Because I expect player pool to be pretty passive at 5nl so most of the time villain is value betting top pair here. Ocasionally you'll find an aggressive player that is trying to make you fold a Q here but that is so rare that I wouldn't care about.
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