Quick Question - Polar or Linear 3b Range From BB?

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Quick Question - Polar or Linear 3b Range From BB?

sup guys,

I always 3b polar from bb, but not sure if it should be linear instead?

if we go polar what "bluffs" are we using and why?

also, are we ever 3betting mergy type hands such as t9s vs co for example, if so is this mainly for board coverage and balance reasons?


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kalciis 7 years, 4 months ago

Im using a mix of polar and merg 3bet strat v btn and sb. Against other positions polar (making some adjustments depends on opp 3betfold stat)

hkabir200291 7 years, 4 months ago

Hi im still learning so please excuse the stupid question. Someone please explain what you mean by polar and linear. Much appreciated

BarracudaNL 7 years, 4 months ago

A "polar" range is a range that is polarized between value bets and bluffs. A "linear" range is a range that linearly includes the top x% of hands without bluffs.

Since many of our potential bluffs get a discount on calls and since the big blind will be out of position the whole hand, OP was asking whether it is profitable to bluff at all preflop or whether we should three-bet a wider range for value.

BarracudaNL 7 years, 4 months ago

The shorter your stack, the more you should be polarized in your strategy. The reason is that when there is more four-betting, getting raised off your equity is worse (and when you get shorter more hands can four-bet for value). Thus, off 25bb stacks, it has become standard at higher stakes to 3-bet very polarized between good hands and borderline call/folds.

This super-polarized strategy is much less effective when you are more deep-stacked, as you don't want to play multiple streets with Q3o. You definitely want to merge your range more towards more playable hands as your stack gets larger, and preferably towards those hands that retain equity the most (suited connectors and gappers, offsuit connectors).

However, Pio and Snowie both don't go fully linear in deep-stacked poker. The reason is that in Hold'Em, you can always pick a bet sizing that generates fold equity. Theoretically: if you have AA and pick a sizing for which you get called 100%, you are probably missing value by not going slightly bigger. Thus, three-betting trends towards sizing that generate fold equity and thus lead to more polarized ranges in Hold'Em. In Omaha, where you are capped in bet sizings, three-betting trends towards more linear ranges out of position.

hkabir200291 7 years, 4 months ago

So what if you are a short stack (100bb) in a deepstackes cash game where most stacks are 250bb plus, does the same principle apply? Especially in live cash games where raise sizes preflop are often 6x what isbour best strategy.

BarracudaNL 7 years, 4 months ago

Be selectively polarized.

When raise sizes are larger, flatting is less interesting, as pot odds are worse. Large preflop raises also make your 100bb stack effectively quite shallow. This makes you want to be more polarized, and in theory you should want to three-bet your best hands and a few bluffs in these games.

In practice, you need to be careful: live players have very diverse tendencies in responding to three-bets, and you do not want to bluff someone who cannot fold. Be selective about who you choose to bluff.

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