Questions about a 3bet pot in live 5/5.
Posted by Arabella
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Mid Stakes
Questions about a 3bet pot in live 5/5.
Live 5/5
UTG ($1800) Tight-aggressive reg opens to 25. Hero with $1000(splashy LAG image) flats TT from HJ. BTN (reg) with $500 (has been 3betting hero frequently and is aware of Hero's image. My read on him is that he cbets a little too frequently and is relatively tight-passive post flop) 3bets to 90. UTG calls. I elect to call.
My read preflop was that UTG's range is capped. (Flatting QQ+ or AK at this depth would definitely not be the standard play and require more thought than the way UTG chose to call in this hand). BTN seems to have an auto-squeeze hand as it didn't take much time for him to 3bet either. What do you guys think about back-raise jamming here? I think UTG is dead money almost always (except JJ maybe?) and BTN might have some 3bet folds in his range. I can't say at what frequency but I can also be sure that I will have some KK AA combo at this spot, AQs is another hand I would consider doing this with.
The rest of the hand went quite uneventful, we flop gin on T89r. Checks to BTN who shoves for 280. UTG folds, we call and scoop. My other question is that on the exact same spot, if we are the BTN in this hand and assume we 3bet preflop with a reasonable and relatively linear range. Is this a board we should be checking at a high frequency? Thoughts about c-betting flop 25-33% with most of our range?
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not sure about back raise jamming 200 bbs with TT but I get your point re utg dead money. a better option that gets same result may be to 4bet smallish which invites a button shove (as button committed 25% of stack, 90 of 370, he should be committed and best play is to shove hoping for utg dead money).
"BTN (reg) with $500 3bets to 90"
" Checks to BTN who shoves for 280."
Interesting that $130 just disappeared off the table?
"I can also be sure that I will have some KK AA combo at this spot,"
You are flatting AA and KK in the HJ? Why? Ep vs EP makes sense, but EP vs MP I don't understand unless you have a really aggro player behind. Most of the time in a $5/$5 live game this is just FPS with AA or KK because you don't 3 bet enough, so feel the need to trap with big hands.
I think UTG can easily flat AK and QQ in this spot. KK+ is almost always a 4 bet vs the BTN who seems to have put in about 25% of his stack preflop, assuming he started with $370 and not $500.
I think vs the villain you described you can jam if UTG folds. Back raise here would be a little spewy. UTG shouldn't be flatting very many weak holdings vs a short stack. Maybe he is calling AJs-AKs, AK, 99-QQ, KQs?
I wouldn't mind back raising to BTN stack size preflop, so hand is some what protected with an empty side pot. I think all options are really on the table with a very marginal spot preflop. All depends on how much variance you want to experience.
Question is what boards do you call with when btn shoves and utg folds? What boards do you call when btn ships and utg calls?
Apologies, there's an error in the note I took down. I thought the pot was 280 (was actually 290), but the BTN did start the hand with a full 100bb stack.
I think I'm flatting AA and KK because of the BTN actually, he's been one of the most active 3bettors on the table and I had a loose image.
About your last question, I don't know to be honest. My read is that the BTN is not perfectly balanced, he tends to put too much money in with his cbets but also shuts down on later streets too frequently. I also don't think BTN is always shoving his cbetting range on most boards, like on some boards he will have a non all-in cbet sizing but I'm prepared to call down with TT in some situations.
I think vs the villain you described you can jam if UTG folds
?? Hero acts after button and before UTG...
AS played, I don't think utg has QQ... after a loose button raise and a flat from hero the utg player should be isolating a loose button/picking up hero's dead money with a hand as strong as QQ. If he runs into a better hand it will be the loose button, the smaller stack, not hero, the larger stack. Hero very rarely flatting KK/AA 3 handed.
So UTG should be 4 betting here w QQ. $500 would make for some difficult flop decisions at SPR of less than .5 so I'd jam. UTG way ahead of openers range who is close to having committed stack (3bet is 20% of stack) and has hero's likely dead money to consider. Hero could only call AK or perhaps JJ. Folds AQ/TT-. Good spot for UTG to jam. Although folding out better hands UTG is picking up dead money and iso loose button range. There are 43 BB's in pot by time it gets back to UTG.
UTG doesn't have AA-KK either, maybe JJ. Other pairs TT-77 (maybe lower if six handed). AK, AQ, AJs, maybe AJo/ATs. For balance suited connectors.
Think I prefer hero making a small re-raise pre-flop to about $275-$290 (this allows button a full raise and hero option to 5bet which puts UTG in a difficult spot). Note, if UTG flats here they could be reversing this situ and putting us in a tough spot. If UTG jams I guess hero is behind and folds but I think this extra bet of say $200 (from $90-$290) that is lost is made up by the number of times we isolate the loose button and avoid racing the UTG with an AQ, AJ type hand. Also we avoid stacking off/losing a lot of chips if flop comes 9 high and UTG has JJ (or a smaller pair than TT that flopped a set after flatting the $90 3bet) and sometimes get UTG to fold JJ.
Flatting the button raise is set mining at 11-1 (personally prefer 12-1+) while giving oneself option to fold to UTG 4 bet. If UTG decides hero's flat is weak then UTG might 4bet AQs or 99 and get us to fold a better hand.
Would love someone to solve this...
UTG top 5-10-15% of hands - 6,7,8,9 handed.
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